KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params VServers2::GetVServerStatistic2 ( int  lVsId,
int  nMaxAgentInactivityDays 

Acquire info about whole Administration Server or the specified virtual server.

Returns info about about whole Administration Server or the specified virtual server

lVsIdvirtual server id,
  • value 0 results in returning data about hosts connected directly to the physical server (VS0),
  • value (-1) results in returning data about whole Administration Server
nMaxAgentInactivityDaysmaximum number of inactivity days for the days counter KLVSRV_AGENTS -- agents that were inactive more than nMaxAgentInactivityDays are not counted in KLVSRV_AGENTS, zero means "count all agents"
(params) a container, see Virtual server statistic.