KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
Srvview list name for vulnerabilities listing

View name:v_vapm_vulnerability

SeverityRatingparamIntVulnerability severity rating, see Vulnerability severity rating according to the Kaspersky classification
ProtectTechnologiesparamLongBitmask of Kaspersky technologies protecting from the vulnerability, see Kaspersky technologies protecting from vulnerabilities enum
DescriptionURLparamStringURL to vulnerability description
VulnerabilityIdparamStringIdentity (name) of a vulnerability
RecordCreationTimeparamDateTimeCreation time of vulnerability record in the updatable Kaspersky bases
TypeparamIntVulnerability type, see Vulnerability type enum
ObjPathparamStringLocal path to file of object, in which vulnerability was found
DetectionTimeparamDateTimeVulnerability detection time
nVulnIdparamIntDatabase identity of a vulnerability
strVulnUidparamStringUnique identity of a vulnerability
bIgnoreparamBoolIgnorance tag potentially set by administrator for vulnerability
nPrdExactVerDbIdparamIntDatabase identity of a product exact version where the vulnerability is found
ProductCodeparamStringMSI product code of a vulnerable product
nPrdDbIdparamIntDatabase identity of product (family)
ProductVersionparamStringExact product version
ProductLanguageIdparamIntLCID, language of vulnerable product installation
LocalizeVendorNameparamStringLocalized vendor (company) name
LocalizeProductNameparamStringLocalized name of vulnerable product installation
nPrdMajVerDbIdparamIntDatabase identity of a product major version
nMajorVersionGlbIdparamLongGlobal product major version identity in updatable Kaspersky bases
strMajorVersionparamStringProduct major version
strMajorVersionUrlparamStringMajor version description URL
strMajorVersionNameparamStringProduct major version name
nOsMaskparamIntOS mask - bits set, see OS type enum
bVersionUnsupportedparamBoolProduct version unsupported by vendor
nProductGlbIdparamLongGlobal product (family) identity
bProductUnsupportedparamBoolProduct unsupported by vendor
nVendorGlbIdparamLongGlobal vendor identity in updatable Kaspersky bases
VendorIdparamStringIANA vendor identity, see IANA code (http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers)
VendorNameparamStringVendor (company) human readable name
VendorUrlparamStringVendor main URL
nActiveCountparamIntHosts count where the vulnerability is active
nFixPlannedCountparamIntHosts count where all the necessary patches to fix the vulnerability are assigned
nPatchedCountparamIntHosts count where the vulnerability is patched
nFixedCountparamIntHosts count where the vulnerability is fixed
nIgnoredCountparamIntHosts count where the vulnerability is ignored
nFixPlanStateparamIntIf all the necessary patches to fix the vulnerability instances are assigned, see Vulnerability fix plan state enum
bPatchAvailableparamBoolAre patches required to fix the vulnerability are available to be downloaded and installed
llRecommendedMinorPatchGlbIdparamLongThe global identity of the recommended minor update patch to fix the vulnerability
llRecommendedMinorPatchVersionparamLongThe version of the recommended minor update patch to fix the vulnerability, numeric
strRecommendedMinorPatchNameparamStringThe name (including version) of the recommended minor update patch to fix the vulnerability
llRecommendedMajorPatchGlbIdparamLongThe identity of the recommended major update patch to fix the vulnerability
llRecommendedMajorPatchVersionparamLongThe version of the recommended major update patch to fix the vulnerability, numeric
strRecommendedMajorPatchNameparamStringThe name (including version) of the recommended major update patch to fix the vulnerability
tmVulnerabilityDetectionTimeFirstparamDateTimeFirst time of the vulnerability detection on the managed computers
tmVulnerabilityDetectionTimeLastparamDateTimeLast time of the vulnerability detection on the managed computers
strCVEparamStringVulnerability CVE identity
strUpdateIDparamStringGlobal Microsoft Windows update identity to be installed to fix the vulnerability, see Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates revisions listing
nRevisionIDparamIntMicrosoft Windows update revision database ID to be installed to fix the vulnerability, see Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates revisions listing
strKBparamStringMicrosoft Knowledge Base Article ID associated with the update to be installed to fix the vulnerability
strMSSBparamStringMicrosoft Security Bulletin ID related to the updates fixing the vulnerability
nVulnInstIdparamIntDatabase identity of vulnerability occurrence (instance)
strVulnInstIdparamStringUnique ID of vulnerability occurrence (instance)
tmPatchTimeparamDateTimePatch completion time
tmDisappearparamDateTimeVulnerability occurrence (instance) disappearance time
bFixAssignedparamBoolIf the vulnerability occurrence (instance) is planned to be fixed by an existing task
bIgnoreInstanceparamBoolIgnorance tag potentially set by administrator for vulnerability occurrence (instance)
strSoftwareInventoryUidparamStringSoftware inventory product uid, see "strID" in SrvView Software inventory list
KLHST_WKS_LIDparamLongAppropriate host internal integer ID
KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAMEparamStringAppropriate host identity, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_DNparamStringAppropriate host display name, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_WINHOSTNAMEparamStringAppropriate host netbios name, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_IPparamLongAppropriate host IPv4 address (with network byte order), see List of host attributes. Obsolete, use KLHST_WKS_IP_LONG instead
KLHST_WKS_IP_LONGparamLongHost IP address (in little-endian byte order), see List of host attributes
szwHostFQDNparamStringFQDN of an appropriate host
nPatchDbIdparamIntDatabase identity of a patch to fix the vulnerability
nPatchGlbIdparamLongGlobal identity of product patch to fix the vulnerability
nVulnHstPatchLCIDparamIntLCID of vulnerability patch for host
strToVersionparamStringVersion of product after installation of patch
InstallFlagsparamIntUpdate installation flags bitmask, see Update installation flags
wstrTitleparamStringUpdate revision title
nVulnHstPatchIdparamIntDatabase identity of vulnerability patch for host
nVulnHstPatchOrderparamIntOrder of vulnerability patch for host
nVulnHstPatchInstallStateparamIntInstallation state of vulnerability patch for host, see Software update installation state enum
tmVulnHstPatchTimestampparamDateTimeTimestamp of vulnerability patch installation state change for host
nTaskIdparamIntDatabase identity of a patch management task linked to the vulnerability
nVulnPkgIdparamIntDatabase identity of a custom patch installation package, see List of package attributes
nVulnPatchPkgLCIDparamIntLCID of a custom patch installation package
nVulnPatchPkgOrderparamIntOrder of a custom patch installation package
nVulnPatchPkgNameparamStringName of a custom patch installation package
bPackagesSetparamBoolIf any custom installation packages for the vulnerability are set
bEulaPresentparamBoolIs the EULA present for any update required to fix the vulnerability
bEulaAcceptedparamBoolIs the EULA accepted on the current virtual server for all updates required to fix the vulnerability
nEulaDbIdparamIntDatabase ID of EULA for the update (might result in multiple records)
nAssignedTaskIdparamIntDatabase identity of task assigned to install the update or close vulnerability
bIsTaskAssignedPartlyparamBoolIf the task identified by c_szwAssignedSysPatchTaskDbId is assigned to close not all instances of the vulnerability or install patch not on all the hosts where it is applicable
nVulnExploitStatusparamIntDefines whether any exploit exist for the vulnerability, see Vulnerability threat status enum
nVulnMalwareStatusparamIntDefines whether any malware exist for the vulnerability, see Vulnerability threat status enum

See also: