KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
int AdHosts::FindAdGroups ( array  vecFieldsToReturn,
array  vecFieldsToOrder,
params  pOptions,
int  lMaxLifeTime,
[out] wstring  wstrIterator 

Enumerates AD groups.

vecFieldsToReturn(array) attributes to return, possible values
  • "adhst_adgroup_id" (paramInt) AD group id
  • "adhst_adgroup_distinguished_name" (paramString) AD group unique name (distinguished name)
  • "adhst_adgroup_name" (paramString) AD group short name (may be non-unique)
  • "adhst_adgroup_sam_name" (paramString) AD group NT4-compatible name (unique but may be absent)
vecFieldsToOrder(array) array of containers each of them containing two attributes :
  • "Name" (paramString) name of attributes used for sorting
  • "Asc" (paramBool) ascending if true descending otherwise
pOptions(params) options, possible attributes:
  • "adhst_id" - return groups for given ad host
lMaxLifeTime(int) max result-set lifetime in seconds, not more than 7200
[out]wstrIterator(wstring) result-set ID, identifier of the server-side ordered collection. The result-set is destroyed and associated memory is freed in following cases:
(int) count of found records