KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
HWInvStorage Class Reference

Interface for working with Hardware storage subsystem. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GetHWInvObject (int nObjId,[out] params pObj)
 Get hardware inventory object.
int AddHWInvObject (params pObj)
 Add hardware inventory object.
 SetHWInvObject (int nObjId, params pObj)
 Set hardware inventory object.
 DelHWInvObject (int nObjId)
 Delete hardware inventory object.
 SetWriteOffFlag (int nObjId, boolean bFlag)
 Set decommissioned flag.
 GetProcessingRules ([out] params pRules)
 Get processing rules.
 SetProcessingRules (params pRules)
 Set processing rules.
wstring ExportHWInvStorage2 (int eExportType)
 Start export of hardware inventory.
 ExportHWInvStorageCancel (wstring wstrAsyncId)
 Cancel export of hardware inventory.
 ExportHWInvStorageGetData (wstring wstrAsyncId,[out] binary pChunk, int nGetDataSize,[out] int nGotDataSize,[out] int nDataSizeRest)
 Get exported data. Call this method until nDataSizeRest is not zero.
wstring ImportHWInvStorage2 (int eImportType)
 Start import of hardware inventory.
 ImportHWInvStorageCancel (wstring wstrAsyncId)
 Cancel import of hardware inventory.
 ImportHWInvStorageSetData (wstring wstrAsyncId, binary pChunk)
 Send chunk of importing data to server. If pChunk is NULL then send data is finished and started data processing and importing to DB. To get status use AsyncActionStateChecker.CheckActionState, lStateCode "0" means OK.
 DelHWInvObject2 (array arrObjId)
 Delete array of objects.
 SetCorpFlag2 (array arrObjId, boolean bState)
 Set corporative flag for array of devices.
 SetWriteOffFlag2 (array vecObjId, boolean bFlag)
 Set decommissioned flag for array of devices.
wstring AddDynColumn (wstring wstrColName)
 Add dynamic column.
 DelDynColumn (wstring wstrColId)
 Delete dynamic column.
 EnumDynColumns ([out] array arrDynColumnInfo)
 Return list of dynamic columns.

Detailed Description

Interface for working with Hardware storage subsystem.