KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
SsContents::Ss_Replace ( wstring  wstrID,
wstring  wstrProduct,
wstring  wstrVersion,
wstring  wstrSection,
params  pNewData 

Replace data in settings storage.

Replaces variables in the specified section. If a variable already exists it will be updated, if a variable does not exist it will be added.

Changes are not saved until method Ss_Apply is called. Unsaved data is not available by methods Ss_Read and SS_GetNames.

wstrID(wstring) identifier of opened SsContents
wstrProduct(wstring) product name string, non-empty string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>.
wstrVersion(wstring) version string, non-empty string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>.
wstrSection(wstring) section name string, non-empty string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>.
pNewData(params) new data to write