Kaspersky Security Center API description
LicenseKeys::EnumKeys ( array  pFields,
array  pFieldsToOrder,
params  pOptions,
int  lTimeoutSec,
[out] int  lKeyCount,
[out] wstring  wstrIterator 

Enumerate keys.

pFields(array) of paramString, array of attribute names to return, mandatory. See List of license key attributes for attribute names.
pFieldsToOrder(array) of paramString, array of attributes to be used for ordering, mandatory
pOptions(params) enumeration options, optional:
  • "KLLICSRV_ENOPT_INSTALLED_ONLY" - true if you are enumerating only installed keys. Default is false - method will return all keys including ones not-installed on adm. server (product reported keys).
lTimeoutSec(int) iterator timeout in seconds, optional. Output iterator will be available for this time long. Default is zero which means 15 minutes long.
lKeyCount(int) count of keys returned via enumerator.
wstrIterator(wstring) forward-iterator name for accessing key attributes through GroupSyncIterator. Call GroupSyncIterator::GetNextItems to iterate. Call GroupSyncIterator::ReleaseIterator when you are done.
Throwsexception in case of error.
See also:
Sample. Enumerating license keys.