Kaspersky Security Center API description
InvLicenseProducts Class Reference

Interface to manage the third-party license keys. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

params GetLicenseProducts (params pParams=NULL)
 Acquire License Products data.
int AddLicenseProduct (params pLicProdData)
 Add a new License Product.
 UpdateLicenseProduct (int nLicProdId, params pLicProdData)
 Modifies attributes of specified License Product.
 DeleteLicenseProduct (int nLicProdId)
 Removes specified License Product.
int AddLicenseKey (params pLicKeyData)
 Add a new License Key.
 UpdateLicenseKey (int nLicKeyId, params pLicKeyData)
 Modifies attributes of specified License Key.
 DeleteLicenseKey (int nLicKeyId)
 Removes specified License Key.

Detailed Description

Interface to manage the third-party license keys.

Interface allows to create and configure list of the "License Products" and list of the "License Keys".

Object "License Key" is used to set some restrictions: number of installations and period of activity.

Each object "License Product" has

  • scope of the software inventory applications which will be monitored. This scope is defined by set of masks that can be used in srvview (see Software inventory list)
  • set of "License keys".