Kaspersky Security Center API description
Srvview list of group tasks state statistics on the hosts managed by secondary servers

View name:SrvHierarchyStatSrvViewName

KLTSK_GRP_TSK_IDparamStringGroup task database identity, see Srvview list of group tasks state statistics on the hosts managed by secondary servers
KLPRCI_TASK_TS_IDparamStringGroup task PRTS identity, see Srvview list of group tasks state statistics on the hosts managed by secondary servers
KLTSK_GRP_TSK_SLAVE_IDparamStringGroup task database identity on the secondary server (to be used as "KLTSK_GRP_TSK_ID" on the secondary server)
KLSRVH_SRV_IDparamIntSecondary server ID, see List of secondary server attributes
KLSRVH_SRV_INST_IDparamStringSecondary server instance ID, see List of secondary server attributes
KLTSK_SRVH_DISPL_NAME_EXparamStringSecondary server display name (path)
KLTSK_SRVH_INST_IDS_PATHparamStringPath of server instances separated by '\'. To be used when creating a gateway connection to this secondary server.
KLTSK_SRVH_LEVELparamIntSecondary server inheritance level
KLTSK_PND_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where task modification hasn't been distributed yet, see 1 in List of task statistics attributes
KLTSK_SCH_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where the task was scheduled to run, see 32 in List of task statistics attributes
KLTSK_RUN_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where the task is running, see 2 in List of task statistics attributes
KLTSK_ERR_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where the task failed, see 16 in List of task statistics attributes
KLTSK_WRN_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where the task finished with warning, see 8 in List of task statistics attributes
KLTSK_OK_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where the task finished successfully, see 4 in List of task statistics attributes
KLTSK_NEED_RBT_CNTparamIntNumber of hosts on this server where the task requested for the OS reboot, see List of task statistics attributes