Kaspersky Security Center API description
Srvview list name for software updates listing

View name:v_vapm_update

NameTypeSource typeDescription
VendorNameparamStringAnyVendor (company) human readable name
nVendorGlbIdparamLong3PGlobal vendor identity in updatable Kaspersky bases
VendorIdparamStringAnyIANA vendor identity, see IANA code (http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers)
VendorUrlparamStringAnyVendor main URL
ProductNameparamStringAnyProduct family human readable name
nProductGlbIdparamLong3PGlobal product (family) identity
nMajorVersionGlbIdparamLongAnyGlobal product major version identity in updatable Kaspersky bases
strMajorVersionNameparamStringAnyProduct major version name
strMajorVersionUrlparamStringAnyMajor version description URL
PatchURLparamStringAnyMain update description URL
nUpdateClassificationparamIntAnyMicrosoft software update classification, see Software update classification enum
nSourceparamIntAnyUpdate source, see Software updates source enum
binKlUpdUidparamBinaryKLKaspersky update unique ID
nKlUpdateDbIdparamIntKLKaspersky update identity in KSC database
nRevisionIDparamIntMicrosoftMicrosoft Windows update revision database identity to be installed to fix the vulnerability, see Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates revisions listing
nRevisionNumberparamIntMicrosoftUpdate revision number
strUpdateIDparamStringGlobal Microsoft Windows update identity. ANSI symbols.
nUpdateTypeparamIntMicrosoftUpdate type, see Software update type enum
wstrTitleparamStringAnyUpdate revision title
nPatchGlbIdparamLong3PGlobal identity of Third-party product patch
nPatchDbIdparamInt3PDatabase identity of a Third-party product patch
tmCreationDateparamDateTimeAnyUpdate release time
tmRegistrationDateparamDateTimeAnyUpdate registration (in KSC database) time
strToVersionparamString3P, KasperskyVersion of product after installation of patch
nLCIDparamIntAnyUpdate LCID, 0 for multilingual distributives
nPatchLcidparamIntAnyPatch/distributive LCID, 0 for multi-lingual distributives. Currently the same as nLCID
bHasDependandPatchesparamBoolMicrosoft, 3PIf some patches require this patch as a prerequisite
bHasPrerequisitesparamBoolMicrosoft, 3PIf patch has any prerequisites
nMaxVulnSeverityparamIntMicrosoft, 3PMaximal vulnerability severity rating for all the vulnerability instances to be fixed by this update, see Vulnerability severity rating according to the Kaspersky classification
bEulaPresentparamBoolAnyIs the EULA present for the update or not
bEulaAcceptedparamBoolAnyIs the update EULA accepted on the current virtual server or not
nEulaDbIdparamIntAnyDatabase ID of EULA related to the update revision (may result in multiple records for an update)
binEulaUidparamBinaryAnyUid of EULA related to the update revision (may result in multiple records for an update)
bEulaIncludesPrivacyPolicyparamBoolAnyIf EULA includes Privacy Policy
nAgreementTypeparamIntAnyType of the user license agreement, see User agreement type enum
bDPAEulaPresentparamBoolAnyIs the DPA present for the update or not
bDPAEulaAcceptedparamBoolAnyIs the update DPA accepted on the current virtual server or not
nDPAEulaDbIdparamIntAnyDatabase ID of DPA related to the update revision (may result in multiple records for an update)
binDPAEulaUidparamBinaryAnyUid of DPA related to the update revision (may result in multiple records for an update)
lMaxDownloadSizeparamLongMicrosoft, 3PExpected maximal download size of the update
bCanRequestUserInputparamBoolMicrosoft, 3PIs the update installation potentially interactive (can request user input)
InstallFlagsparamIntMicrosoft, 3PUpdate installation flags bitmask, see Update installation flags
nApprovementStateparamIntAnyUpdates approvement management attributes, see Update approvement state enum
nIntegralDownloadStateparamIntMicrosoftIntegral download state (for all target hosts), see Update download state enum
nNotInstalledCountparamIntAnyNumber of instances of not installed updates (applicable, running, etc.)
nApplicableCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the update is applicable (as a minor update)
nApplicableNewVersionCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the update is applicable as a major update
nAssignedCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the update is assigned for installation by an existing task (but is not installing yet)
nInstallingCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the update is currently installing
nInstalledCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the update is successfully installed
nFailedCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the last known update installation state is "failed"
nNeedRebootCountparamIntAnyNumber of installations where the update installation is pending due to OS reboot request
nInstallStateparamIntAnyUpdate installation state, see Software update installation state enum
nDownloadStateparamIntMicrosoft, 3PUpdate download state, see Update download state enum
tmTimestampparamDateTimeAnyLast known update state change time from an appropriate host
KLHST_WKS_LIDparamLongAnyAppropriate host internal integer ID
KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAMEparamStringAnyAppropriate host identity, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_DNparamStringAnyAppropriate host display name, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_WINHOSTNAMEparamStringAnyAppropriate host netbios name, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_IPparamLongAnyAppropriate host IPv4 address (with network byte order), see List of host attributes. Obsolete, use KLHST_WKS_IP_LONG instead
KLHST_WKS_IP_LONGparamLongHost IP address (in little-endian byte order), see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_GROUPIDparamIntAnyID of administration group where the appropriate host is located, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_NAG_VERSIONparamStringAnyNetwork Agent build number in format A.B.C[.D], see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_RTP_AV_VERSIONparamStringAnyProtection build number in format A.B.C[.D], see List of host attributes
szwHostFQDNparamStringAnyFQDN of an appropriate host
nMsrcSeverityparamIntMicrosoftSeverity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update, see severity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update
strMSKBparamStringMicrosoftPrimary Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID associated with the update
strKBArticleIDparamStringMicrosoftMicrosoft Knowledge Base Article ID associated with the update (might result in multiple records)
strMSSBparamStringMicrosoftPrimary Microsoft Security Bulletin ID associated with the update
wstrMoreInfoUrlparamStringMicrosoftMicrosoft Windows update URL to provide additional update information
strSecurityBulletinIDparamStringMicrosoftMicrosoft Security Bulletin ID associated with the update (might result in multiple records)
nVulnIdparamIntMicrosoft, 3PDatabase identity of a vulnerability to be fixed by the patch on the appropriate host
strVulnUidparamStringMicrosoft, 3PUnique identity of a vulnerability to be fixed by the patch on the appropriate host
nVulnDbIdparamStringMicrosoft, 3PDatabase identity of a vulnerability description of a vulnerability to be fixed by the patch on the appropriate host
nVulnerabilityGlbIdparamLongMicrosoft, 3PGlobal vulnerability identity (in the updatable Kaspersky bases) of a vulnerability to be fixed by the patch on the appropriate host
VulnerabilityIdparamStringMicrosoft, 3PIdentity (name) of a vulnerability to be fixed by the patch on the appropriate host
SeverityRatingparamIntMicrosoft, 3PVulnerability severity rating of a vulnerability to be fixed by the patch on the appropriate host, see Vulnerability severity rating according to the Kaspersky classification
IsMajorUpgradeparamBoolAnyIs the patch applicable as a major upgrade for the given host
nPatchesOptionIdxparamIntMicrosoft, 3PPossible patches set index
nVulnHstPatchOrderparamIntMicrosoft, 3POrder of vulnerability patch for host
nTaskIdparamIntMicrosoft, 3PDatabase ID of task having a rule to install the update directly
nAssignedTaskIdparamIntMicrosoft, 3PDatabase identity of task assigned to install the update
bIsTaskAssignedPartlyparamBoolMicrosoft, 3PIf the task identified by c_szwAssignedSysPatchTaskDbId is assigned to install patch not on all the hosts where it is applicable
nTopTaskIdparamIntMicrosoft, 3PDatabase ID of the top root group task having a rule to install the update directly
nDependingPatchDbIdparamIntMicrosoft, 3PDatabase ID of a patch requiring this patch as a prerequisite
strSoftwareInventoryUidparamString3PSoftware inventory product uid, see "strID" in SrvView Software inventory list
bExpiredparamBoolMicrosoftIs the revision expired or not
imgXmlparamBinaryMicrosoftUpdate metadata BLOB (according to the [MS-WSUSSS] protocol)
bExplicitlyDeployableparamBoolMicrosoftIs the update explicitly deployable or not
bIsPublicparamBoolMicrosoftIs the update public or not
SupersededIDparamStringMicrosoftUpdate identity ("strUpdateID") of update, superseded by given update (results in multiple records)
SupersededRevisionIDparamIntMicrosoftRevision identity ("nRevisionID") of update, superseded by given update
SupersedingRevisionIDparamIntMicrosoftRevision identity ("nRevisionID") of update, superseding the given update
IsSupersedingparamBoolMicrosoftIf the update supersedes other update(s)
IsSupersededparamBoolMicrosoftIf the update is superseded by other update(s)
nDependingPkgIdparamInt3PDatabase ID of an installation package whose prerequisite the patch is
nPkgPrereqOrderparamInt3PPatch number in the prerequisites chain for the package "nDependingPkgId"
binPkgPrereqOptionsparamBinary3POptions for the patch as package "nDependingPkgId" prerequisite
nPkgPrereqLcidparamInt3PLCID prerequisite for package "nDependingPkgId"
bPkgPrereqSharedparamBool3PIs shared prerequisite for package "nDependingPkgId"
bPkgPrereqAllowedparamBool3PIs approved prerequisite for package "nDependingPkgId"
bDownloadableparamBoolAnyUpdate can be automatically downloaded from public source
bIsRevokedparamBoolKasperskyIs the patch is revoked by vendor (currently supported for Kaspersky patches only)
nKlUpdateImportanceparamBoolKasperskyKaspersky seamless patch (update) importance, see Kaspersky software updates importance enum
strProductInternalNameparamStringKasperskyInternal product name of the Kaspersky product relative to the patch; search for "KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_NAME" for more information.
strProductInternalVersionparamStringKasperskyInternal product version of the Kaspersky product relative to the patch in format A.B.C[.D]; search for "KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_VERSION" for more information.
strProductDisplVersionparamStringKasperskyExact (display) product version of the Kaspersky product relative to the patch in format A.B.C[.D]; search for "KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_DISPLAY_VERSION" for more information.
llProductDisplVersionparamLongKasperskyExact (display) product version of the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, numeric; search for "KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_BUILD" for more information, and keep in mind that is a 64-bit integer, not a string.
strRequiredKSCSrvVersionparamStringKasperskyRequired version of Administration Server that is compatible with the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, in format A.B.C[.D].
llRequiredKSCSrvVersionparamLongKasperskyRequired version of Administration Server that is compatible with the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, numeric.
strRequiredPluginVersionparamStringKasperskyRequired plug-in version to manage the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, in format A.B.C[.D].
llRequiredPluginVersionparamLongKasperskyRequired plug-in version to manage the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, numeric.
strRequiredWebPluginVersionparamStringKasperskyRequired web plug-in version to manage the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, in format A.B.C[.D].
llRequiredWebPluginVersionparamLongKasperskyRequired web plug-in version to manage the Kaspersky product relative to the patch, numeric.
strRequiredPluginDownloadUrlparamStringKasperskyURL to download the required plug-in to manage the Kaspersky product relative to the patch.
DownloadUrlparamStringKaspersky, 3PURL to download the patch.
FileNameparamStringKaspersky, 3PFilename of the patch available by the "DownloadUrl".

See also: