Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of supported srvviews

List of supported srvviews is presented below.

View nameReference
"InvSrvViewName"SrvView Software inventory list
"InvDisplayNameGroupingSrvView"SrvView Software inventory list grouping by display name
"InvLicenseKeysSrvViewName"SrvView Software inventory License Keys
"ACExeFilesSrvViewName"SrvView List of execution files
"ACHostExeFilesSrvViewName"SrvView List of execution file instances
"ACExeFilesSoftInvSrvViewName"SrvView List of links between application control host exe modules and software inventory applications
"ACHostExeFilesSoftInvSrvViewName"SrvView List of links between application control host exe modules and software inventory applications on hosts
"ACExeFileCertificatesSrvViewName"SrvView List of Application control file certificates attributes
"Quarantine"SrvView List of files from quarantine, backup, and unprocessed network lists
"Backup"SrvView List of files from quarantine, backup, and unprocessed network lists
"TIF"SrvView List of files from quarantine, backup, and unprocessed network lists
"v_klever_distrib"Kaspersky corporate product distributives available for download
"KLPOL_PROFILE_HST"Srvview KLPOL_PROFILE_HST - active policy profiles at hosts
"PolProfileAclRolesSrvViewName"Srvview PolProfileAclRolesSrvViewName - relation between policy profile and role specified in ACL
"PLCDevicesSrvViewName"SrvView list of PLC devices
"DCDevicesList"Attributes for controlling devices
"DCHostDevicesList"Attributes of host devices
"GlobalUsersListSrvViewName"Users and groups list
"AclAnalysisResults"ACL analysis results attributes
"AclAnalysisExeFilesResults"ACL analysis executable files results attributes
"VirtualMachinesSrvViewName"SrvView List of virtual machines
"AdmGroupsAclRolesSrvViewName"List of ACL roles, administration groups and users
"KLPOLNLA_LOCATION_NAMES_SRVVIEW"Network locations specified in the Network Agent connection profiles
"EventsSrvViewName"SrvView EventsSrvViewName - Events virtual list
"SmsQueueSrvViewName"SMS distribution queue
"SmsSendersSrvViewName"SMS sender devices
"HostTagsRulesSrvView"SrvView List of host automatic tagging rules
"CloudContainersSrvViewName"SrvView List of server cloud containers
"CloudHostsSrvViewName"SrvView List of server cloud hosts
"SubnetMasksSrvViewName"Subnet masks
"HWInvPCSrvViewName"Configuration of managed device
"HWInvDeviceSrvViewName"Device name view
"HWInvManufSrvViewName"Device manufacturer view
"HWInvDrvProvSrvViewName"Device driver provider view
"klcategories"KL-categories view
"customcategories"Custom categories view
"ExtAudObjects"Extended audit objects view
"ExtAudInTrashObjects"List of deleted objects
"HWInvStorageSrvViewName"Hardware inventory storage view
"HWInvStorageHistorySrvViewName"Hardware inventory storage history view
"HostTasksSrvView"Host local tasks view
"GroupTasksSrvView"Group tasks view
"SilverImageHst"Srvview list of silver-image category hosts
"SrvHierarchyStatSrvViewName"Srvview list of group tasks state statistics on the hosts managed by secondary servers
"v_wus_upd_category"Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates Categories listing
"v_wus_upd_revision"Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates revisions listing
"v_vapm_vulnerability"Srvview list name for vulnerabilities listing
"v_vapm_update"Srvview list name for software updates listing
"AclAnalysisResults"Srvview results of static analysis
"AclAnalysisExeFilesResults"Srvview results of static analysis with .exe files information
"AdSecDetectResSrvViewName"Srvview detection results made by Adaptive Anomalies Control rules
"FDEHostDevices"Srvview encrypted devices on hosts
"FDEHostUsers"Srvview users of encrypted devices
"HostDpeErrorsList"Srvview Dpe errors on host
"FcGSynHstInfoSrvView"Categories synchronization on hosts SRView
"EulaSrvViewName"Accepted EULAs SRView
"CertStatusSrvViewName"Certificate status SRView
"UmdmDevices"Unified mobile devices list
"UmdmAllDevices"Unified mobile devices list joint with computers
"IpmSrvViewName"In-Product marketing content's metadata file attributes
"GroupSyncHstSrvView"Srvview list name for group synchronization on hosts listing, "GroupSyncHstSrvView"
"RptViractSrvViewName"Virus activity report data srvview attributes
"AkDomainsSrvView"Srvview containing domains descriptions
"SrvHrchViewName"Server hierarchy access srvview
"CasbServicesSrvView"CASB services and categories