Kaspersky Security Center API description
CertUtils Class Reference

Helpers for managing certificates. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

array GetCertificateAttributes (binary pCertificateFileChunk)
 Extract certificates attributes from file.
params GenerateSelfSignedCertificate (params pParams)
 Generates self-signed cert.
params Certificate2Params (binary pCert, wstring pwchPassword=nullptr)
 Exports certificate essential elements as params.
params CreateCSR (wstring companyName, wstring organizationName, wstring organizationUnit, wstring countryName, wstring regionName, wstring cityName)
 Create a certificate signing request (CSR) and private key.
boolean IsEncrypted (binary cert)
 Checking certificate is encrypted.
binary ConvertPKCS12ToPEM (binary cert, wstring pwchPassword=nullptr)
 Converts PKCS#12 certificate to PEM.
binary EncryptPEM (binary pemCert, wstring pwchPassword)
 Creates credential from PEM-form buffer and encrypts private key with password.
wstring GeneratePassword (unsignedInt length, boolean isUserFriendly)
 Generate a new password.
boolean CheckKeypair (binary pCert, binary pPrivate)
 Check the certificate key pair.
binary MakePKCS12 (binary pCert, binary pPrivate, wstring wstrPrivatePassKey, wstring wstrFriendlyName, wstring wstrPassKey)
 Creates credential from PEM-form buffer and encrypts private key with password.

Detailed Description

Helpers for managing certificates.

Helpers for managing certificates, issued by Kaspersky Security Center server