Kaspersky Security Center API description
int GroupSyncIterator::GetNextItems ( wstring  szwIterator,
int  nCount,
[out] boolean  bEOF,
[out] params  pData 

Acquire subset of elements contained in the result-set

Returns nCount elements contained in the specified result-set beginning from the current position and moves internal pointer to the new position.

szwIterator(wstring) forward iterator id
nCount(int) number of elements to return, it is recommended to read 50 elements per chunks
[out]bEOF(boolean) returns true if the returned chunk is the last one, and there's no need in further calls of this method
[out]pData(params) container that has needed elements in the array with name "KLCSP_ITERATOR_ARRAY"
(int) actual number of returned elements (less or equal to nCount)
See also:
Sample. Enumerating license keys