Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring MigrationData::Import ( wstring  wstrUrl,
params  pOptions 

Performs import of objects.

Imports all objects, specified in pOptions, from file, pointed by upload URL. Method is asynchronous. To correctly use this method, first call InitFileUpload() to obtain file URL. If wstrUrl is invalid, method fails with error.

wstrUrl(wstring) - upload URL. Use MigrationData::InitFileUpload() method to obtain it
pOptions(params) - import options, containing the following:
  • KLMIGR_ROOT_GROUP_ID (paramInt) root group identifier
  • KLMIGR_REQUEST_ID (paramString) Optional. Custom request id which can be set by user
  • KLMIGR_IDEMPOTENT (paramBool) Optional. Is import should be idempotent. If true, entities will be updated if import is performed twice or more from the same archive.
  • KLMIGR_DEVICEKEY_PASSWORD (paramString) Optional. Password for encryption/decryption of FDE keys
(wstring) wstrActionGuid async action GUID
Check the operation state by calling AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState periodically until it's finalized. If the operation succeeds then AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns bFinalized=true and lStateCode=1 in pStateData. Otherwise, a call to AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns error in pStateData.
Throwsexception in case of error.
When importing users and security groups the behavior depends on the LP_InterUserUniqVsScope limit