Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring Session::CreateBlob ( params  pParams)

Create blob with connection parameters for the klsctunnel utility.

Create blob with connection parameters for the klsctunnel utility, including target address and one-time authentication token. See Tunnels creation

Creates blob for current security context.

pParams(params) Additional params May contain:
  • KLCST_TARGET_HOST_NAME (paramString) - target application location. Empty value means "localhost". Non-empty values require "Desktop sharing session" privilege;
  • KLCST_TARGET_PORT (paramInt) - target application port. Access to 3389 port requires "RDP session" privilege;
  • KLCST_LOCATIONS (array) of (params) gateway nodes locations; See CgwHelper
  • KLCST_USER_COMMAND (paramInt) - User command to execute on gw connection. Possible values:
    • 0 - Unknown command
    • 1 - Remote desktop connection
    • 2 - Windows desktop sharing
    • 3 - Open tunnel and display tunnel's URL
  • KLCST_RDS_TICKET (paramString) - Windows desktop sharing ticket for Windows desktop sharing. See KLCST_USER_COMMAND;
  • KLCST_RDS_PASSWORD (paramString) - Windows desktop sharing ticket password for Windows desktop sharing. See KLCST_USER_COMMAND

To create blob for RDP one should specify following values in the pParams container:

As RDP is sometimes disabled at the remote host, and Kaspersky Security Center has functionality to turn on RDP forcibly (Systems management license is needed). To turn RDP on the target host before creating blob for RDP one should call method NagRemoteScreen::OpenSession with nType=1 and szwID=<empty string>, and then immediately pass returned 'handle' to the method NagRemoteScreen::CloseSession. After that one should call Session::CreateBlob method as usually.

To create blob for WDS one should specify following values in the pParams container:

To open tunnel and get the value tunnel's URL should specify following values in the params container:

  • KLCST_TARGET_PORT = port value for the target host (for example 5900 is port for VNC)

Base 64 encoded connection blob.
See also: