Kaspersky Security Center API description
long UserDevicesApi::CreateEnrollmentPackage2Ex ( binary  pUserId,
int  lMdmProtocols,
int  lContentType,
int  lLiveTime,
params  pUrlFormats,
params  pRecipient,
params  pNotificationEx,
array  pProtSpecInfo 

Creates the enrollment package for an user's device.

The method will be completed before the package is finally created, to find out when the package is ready you should call method UserDevicesApi.GetEnrollmentPackage many times.

pUserId(binary) device owner binary identifier, empty means current user (current logged on the server user)
lMdmProtocols(int) bit mask means which protocol the enrollment package will be created for, by default package will be created for all protocols, see: Mobile device protocol ID
lContentType(int) enrollment content type:
  • 0x0001: Generate file
  • 0x0002: Generate application store URL, but in B2bCloudMode for MDM4IOS protocol will be generated a configuration profile
lLiveTime(int) means how long the enrollment package is available for download (in hours)
pUrlFormats(params) contains device operating system types and format of the unified links to download the package by a mobile device (see URL formats)
pRecipient(params) recipient data such as e-mail and phone number, these data will be used to send a message with the link to the enrollment package (see Device enrollment recipient info)
pNotificationEx(params) contains a welcome message and URLs to download the enrollment package (see Device enrollment notification)
pProtSpecInfo(array) array of params contains protocols specific data (see Protocols specific data)
(long) package id to be used to access the enrollment package state and its attributes.