Kaspersky Security Center API description
PackagesApi Class Reference

Operating with packages. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

boolean IsPackagePublished (int nPkgExecId)
 Check whether the package is published on KSC web server.
wstring PublishStandalonePackage (boolean bPublish, int nPkgExecId)
 Publish/Unpublish a standalone package on KSC web server.
wstring PublishStandalonePackageForRemoteWebSrv (boolean bPublish, int nPkgExecId, wstring szwWebSrvHostId)
 Publish/Unpublish a standalone package on remote KSC web server.
wstring PublishMobileManifest (int nPkgExecId, params pAppData)
 Publish mobile manifest on KSC web server.
wstring PrePublishMobilePackage (wstring wstrProfileId)
 Prepare server-side data for mobile package publication on KSC web server.
wstring PrePublishMobilePackageForRemoteWebSrv (wstring wstrProfileId, wstring wstrWebSrvHostId)
 Prepare server-side data for mobile package publication on remote KSC web server.
 PublishMobilePackage (wstring wstrProfileId, params pProfileData)
 Publish mobile package on KSC web server.
 UnpublishMobilePackage (wstring wstrProfileId)
 Unpublish a previously published mobile package on KSC web server.
 CancelRecordNewPackage (wstring szwRequestId)
 Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.RecordVapmPackageAsync or PackagesApi.RecordVapmPackageAsync.
 AllowSharedPrerequisitesInstallation (int nPackageId, boolean bAllow)
 Allow installation of the shared prerequisites.
 ResolvePackageLcid (int nPackageId, int nLcid)
 Resolve LCID of a package.
array GetUserAgreements ()
 Request user agreements related to user packages, registered on current VS.
wstring RecordVapmPackageAsync (wstring szwNewPackageName, params parProductInfo)
 Create a package using VAPM product information.
array GetPackages ()
 Get packages information.
 RenamePackage (int nPackageId, wstring wstrNewPackageName)
 Rename package.
wstring GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage (wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion)
 Get intranet folder for a new package.
params RecordNewPackage (wstring wstrPackageName, wstring wstrFolder, wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion, wstring wstrProductDisplName, wstring wstrProductDisplVersion)
 Creates a package with the default settings based on the product, overwritten in the folder, the path to which was obtained by calling the PackagesApi::GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage.
params RecordNewPackage2 (wstring wstrPackageName, wstring wstrFileId, wstring wstrFolder, wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion, wstring wstrProductDisplName, wstring wstrProductDisplVersion)
 Creates a package with the default settings based on the product, transferred using FileTransfer.
 RemovePackage (int nPackageId)
 Remove a package.
wstring GetIntranetFolderForPackage (int nPackageId)
 Get intranet folder for particular package.
params SS_Read (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, wstring wstrSection, int nTimeoutMsec)
 Read settings storage data.
 SS_Write (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, wstring wstrSection, params pData, int nTimeoutMsec, int nOperationType)
 Write settings storage data.
 SS_SectionOperation (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, wstring wstrSection, int nTimeoutMsec, int nOperationType)
 Perform operation on a settings storage section.
array SS_GetNames (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, int nTimeoutMsec)
 Get settings storage section names.
 RemovePackage2 (int nPackageId,[out] boolean bResult,[out] array pTasks)
 Remove a package and get the list of dependent tasks.
wstring GetLoginScript (int nPackageId, wstring wstrTaskId)
 Get text of the login script.
 GetLicenseKey (int nPackageId,[out] wstring wstrKeyFileName,[out] binary pMemoryChunk)
 Get license key.
 SetLicenseKey (int nPackageId, wstring wstrKeyFileName, binary pData, boolean bRemoveExisting)
 Set license key.
binary ReadPkgCfgFile (int nPackageId, wstring wstrFileName)
 Read package configuration file.
 WritePkgCfgFile (int nPackageId, wstring wstrFileName, binary pData)
 Write package configuration file.
binary ReadKpdFile (int nPackageId)
 Read kpd file.
wstring GetKpdProfileString (int nPackageId, wstring wstrSection, wstring wstrKey, wstring wstrDefault)
 Read kpd profile string.
 WriteKpdProfileString (int nPackageId, wstring wstrSection, wstring wstrKey, wstring wstrValue)
 Write kpd profile string.
params GetRebootOptionsEx (int nPackageId)
 Get reboot options.
wstring RecordNewPackageAsync (wstring wstrName, wstring wstrFolder, wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion, wstring wstrProductDisplName, wstring wstrProductDisplVersion)
 Creates a package (asynchronously) with the default settings based on the product, overwritten in the folder, the path to which was obtained by calling the PackagesApi::GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage.
params GetPackageInfo (int nPackageId)
 Get package info.
params GetIncompatibleAppsInfo (int nPackageId)
 Get incompatible apps info.
boolean SetRemoveIncompatibleApps (int nPackageId, boolean bRemoveIncompatibleApps)
 Set incompatible apps info.
wstring CreateExecutablePkgAsync (params pData)
 Create a standalone package (asynchronously).
 CancelCreateExecutablePkg (wstring wstrRequestId)
 Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.CreateExecutablePkgAsync.
params GetExecutablePackages (int nPackageId)
 Get standalone packages.
 DeleteExecutablePkg (int nPackageId)
 Delete standalone package.
array GetPackages2 ()
 Get packages. When list of packages changed event "KLSRV_EV_PKG_LIST_CHANGED" published.
params GetPackageInfo2 (int nPackageId)
 Get package info.
wstring UpdateBasesInPackagesAsync (params pParams)
 Update bases in packages (asynchronously).
 CancelUpdateBasesInPackages (wstring wstrRequestId)
 Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.UpdateBasesInPackagesAsync.
wstring RetranslateToVServerAsync (int nPackageId, int nVServerId, params pOptions)
 Retranslate package to a Virtual Server (asynchronously).
params GetMoveRuleInfo (int nRuleId)
 Get information about the move-rule used by the standalone-package.
wstring GetExecutablePkgFileAsync (params pParams, int nPackageId)
 Get standalone package file attributes (asynchronously).
 CancelGetExecutablePkgFile (wstring wstrRequestId)
 Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.GetExecutablePkgFileAsync.
 GetEulaText (int nEulaId,[out] wstring wstrEulaText)
 Requests EULA text.
 AcceptEulas (array vecEulaIDs)
 Accepts given EULAs.
boolean ResetDefaultServerSpecificSettings (int nPackageId)
 Reset server-specific settings for package.
datetime AddExtendedSign (params pParams)
 Add extended certificate/sign with authenticated attributes to executable file.
 AddExtendedSignAsync (params pParams, wstring wstrRequestID)
 Add extended certificate/sign with authenticated attributes to executable file (asynchronously).
params GetPackageInfoFromArchive (wstring wstrFileId, params pOptions)
params RecordNewPackage3 (wstring wstrFileId, params pOptions)
 RecordNewPackage3Async (wstring wstrFileId, params pOptions, wstring wstrRequestID)
params GetPackagePlugin (int nPackageId)
wstring UpdateCleanerFileAsync2 (int nPackageId)
 CancelUpdateCleanerFileAsync (wstring wstrRequestId)
params GetPackageInfo3 (int nPackageId)
 Get information about specified package.
wstring PublishStandaloneIosPackage (boolean bPublish, int nPkgExecId)
 Publish/Unpublish a standalone package on KSC web server.

Detailed Description

Operating with packages.