Kaspersky Security Center API description
Operating with packages. More...
Public Member Functions | |
boolean | IsPackagePublished (int nPkgExecId) |
Check whether the package is published on KSC web server. | |
wstring | PublishStandalonePackage (boolean bPublish, int nPkgExecId) |
Publish/Unpublish a standalone package on KSC web server. | |
wstring | PublishStandalonePackageForRemoteWebSrv (boolean bPublish, int nPkgExecId, wstring szwWebSrvHostId) |
Publish/Unpublish a standalone package on remote KSC web server. | |
wstring | PublishMobileManifest (int nPkgExecId, params pAppData) |
Publish mobile manifest on KSC web server. | |
wstring | PrePublishMobilePackage (wstring wstrProfileId) |
Prepare server-side data for mobile package publication on KSC web server. | |
wstring | PrePublishMobilePackageForRemoteWebSrv (wstring wstrProfileId, wstring wstrWebSrvHostId) |
Prepare server-side data for mobile package publication on remote KSC web server. | |
PublishMobilePackage (wstring wstrProfileId, params pProfileData) | |
Publish mobile package on KSC web server. | |
UnpublishMobilePackage (wstring wstrProfileId) | |
Unpublish a previously published mobile package on KSC web server. | |
CancelRecordNewPackage (wstring szwRequestId) | |
Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.RecordVapmPackageAsync or PackagesApi.RecordVapmPackageAsync. | |
AllowSharedPrerequisitesInstallation (int nPackageId, boolean bAllow) | |
Allow installation of the shared prerequisites. | |
ResolvePackageLcid (int nPackageId, int nLcid) | |
Resolve LCID of a package. | |
array | GetUserAgreements () |
Request user agreements related to user packages, registered on current VS. | |
wstring | RecordVapmPackageAsync (wstring szwNewPackageName, params parProductInfo) |
Create a package using VAPM product information. | |
array | GetPackages () |
Get packages information. | |
RenamePackage (int nPackageId, wstring wstrNewPackageName) | |
Rename package. | |
wstring | GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage (wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion) |
Get intranet folder for a new package. | |
params | RecordNewPackage (wstring wstrPackageName, wstring wstrFolder, wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion, wstring wstrProductDisplName, wstring wstrProductDisplVersion) |
Creates a package with the default settings based on the product, overwritten in the folder, the path to which was obtained by calling the PackagesApi::GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage. | |
params | RecordNewPackage2 (wstring wstrPackageName, wstring wstrFileId, wstring wstrFolder, wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion, wstring wstrProductDisplName, wstring wstrProductDisplVersion) |
Creates a package with the default settings based on the product, transferred using FileTransfer. | |
RemovePackage (int nPackageId) | |
Remove a package. | |
wstring | GetIntranetFolderForPackage (int nPackageId) |
Get intranet folder for particular package. | |
params | SS_Read (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, wstring wstrSection, int nTimeoutMsec) |
Read settings storage data. | |
SS_Write (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, wstring wstrSection, params pData, int nTimeoutMsec, int nOperationType) | |
Write settings storage data. | |
SS_SectionOperation (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, wstring wstrSection, int nTimeoutMsec, int nOperationType) | |
Perform operation on a settings storage section. | |
array | SS_GetNames (wstring wstrStorageDescr, wstring wstrName, wstring wstrVersion, int nTimeoutMsec) |
Get settings storage section names. | |
RemovePackage2 (int nPackageId,[out] boolean bResult,[out] array pTasks) | |
Remove a package and get the list of dependent tasks. | |
wstring | GetLoginScript (int nPackageId, wstring wstrTaskId) |
Get text of the login script. | |
GetLicenseKey (int nPackageId,[out] wstring wstrKeyFileName,[out] binary pMemoryChunk) | |
Get license key. | |
SetLicenseKey (int nPackageId, wstring wstrKeyFileName, binary pData, boolean bRemoveExisting) | |
Set license key. | |
binary | ReadPkgCfgFile (int nPackageId, wstring wstrFileName) |
Read package configuration file. | |
WritePkgCfgFile (int nPackageId, wstring wstrFileName, binary pData) | |
Write package configuration file. | |
binary | ReadKpdFile (int nPackageId) |
Read kpd file. | |
wstring | GetKpdProfileString (int nPackageId, wstring wstrSection, wstring wstrKey, wstring wstrDefault) |
Read kpd profile string. | |
WriteKpdProfileString (int nPackageId, wstring wstrSection, wstring wstrKey, wstring wstrValue) | |
Write kpd profile string. | |
params | GetRebootOptionsEx (int nPackageId) |
Get reboot options. | |
wstring | RecordNewPackageAsync (wstring wstrName, wstring wstrFolder, wstring wstrProductName, wstring wstrProductVersion, wstring wstrProductDisplName, wstring wstrProductDisplVersion) |
Creates a package (asynchronously) with the default settings based on the product, overwritten in the folder, the path to which was obtained by calling the PackagesApi::GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage. | |
params | GetPackageInfo (int nPackageId) |
Get package info. | |
params | GetIncompatibleAppsInfo (int nPackageId) |
Get incompatible apps info. | |
boolean | SetRemoveIncompatibleApps (int nPackageId, boolean bRemoveIncompatibleApps) |
Set incompatible apps info. | |
wstring | CreateExecutablePkgAsync (params pData) |
Create a standalone package (asynchronously). | |
CancelCreateExecutablePkg (wstring wstrRequestId) | |
Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.CreateExecutablePkgAsync. | |
params | GetExecutablePackages (int nPackageId) |
Get standalone packages. | |
DeleteExecutablePkg (int nPackageId) | |
Delete standalone package. | |
array | GetPackages2 () |
Get packages. When list of packages changed event "KLSRV_EV_PKG_LIST_CHANGED" published. | |
params | GetPackageInfo2 (int nPackageId) |
Get package info. | |
wstring | UpdateBasesInPackagesAsync (params pParams) |
Update bases in packages (asynchronously). | |
CancelUpdateBasesInPackages (wstring wstrRequestId) | |
Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.UpdateBasesInPackagesAsync. | |
wstring | RetranslateToVServerAsync (int nPackageId, int nVServerId, params pOptions) |
Retranslate package to a Virtual Server (asynchronously). | |
params | GetMoveRuleInfo (int nRuleId) |
Get information about the move-rule used by the standalone-package. | |
wstring | GetExecutablePkgFileAsync (params pParams, int nPackageId) |
Get standalone package file attributes (asynchronously). | |
CancelGetExecutablePkgFile (wstring wstrRequestId) | |
Cancel an asynchronous call to PackagesApi.GetExecutablePkgFileAsync. | |
GetEulaText (int nEulaId,[out] wstring wstrEulaText) | |
Requests EULA text. | |
AcceptEulas (array vecEulaIDs) | |
Accepts given EULAs. | |
boolean | ResetDefaultServerSpecificSettings (int nPackageId) |
Reset server-specific settings for package. | |
datetime | AddExtendedSign (params pParams) |
Add extended certificate/sign with authenticated attributes to executable file. | |
AddExtendedSignAsync (params pParams, wstring wstrRequestID) | |
Add extended certificate/sign with authenticated attributes to executable file (asynchronously). | |
params | GetPackageInfoFromArchive (wstring wstrFileId, params pOptions) |
params | RecordNewPackage3 (wstring wstrFileId, params pOptions) |
RecordNewPackage3Async (wstring wstrFileId, params pOptions, wstring wstrRequestID) | |
params | GetPackagePlugin (int nPackageId) |
wstring | UpdateCleanerFileAsync2 (int nPackageId) |
CancelUpdateCleanerFileAsync (wstring wstrRequestId) | |
params | GetPackageInfo3 (int nPackageId) |
Get information about specified package. | |
wstring | PublishStandaloneIosPackage (boolean bPublish, int nPkgExecId) |
Publish/Unpublish a standalone package on KSC web server. |
Operating with packages.