Kaspersky Security Center API description
UserDevicesApi Class Reference

Interface for the unified mobile device management. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 UpdateDevice (int lDeviceId, params pDevice)
 !DEPRECATED! Modifies properties of the specified user device
params GetDevice (int lDeviceId)
 !DEPRECATED! Acquires properties of the specified user device
array GetDevices (binary pUserId)
 !DEPRECATED! Acquires properties of all registered devices owned by specified user
datetime GetLatestDeviceActivityDate (int lDeviceId)
 !DEPRECATED! Acquires latest device activity date
 DeleteDevice (int lDeviceId)
 Deletes a device from the server.
 GlueDevices (int lDevice1Id, int lDevice2Id)
 !DEPRECATED! Glues information on a device got from different sources.
long CreateEnrollmentPackage (binary pUserId, int lMdmProtocols, int lDeliveryType, int lLiveTime, wstring c_wstrUrlFormat)
 Creates the enrollment package for an user's device.
array GetEnrollmentPackages (binary pUserId)
 Gets the list of enrollment packages created for user's devices with a unified URL format.
array GetEnrollmentPackagesEx (binary pUserId)
 Gets the list of enrollment packages created for user's devices with a URL format for each OS.
params GetEnrollmentPackage (long llEnrPkgId)
 Gets information about an enrollment package created for a device with a unified URL format.
params GetEnrollmentPackageEx (long llEnrPkgId)
 Gets information about an enrollment package created for a device with a URL format for each OS.
 DeleteEnrollmentPackage (long lEnrPkgId)
 Deletes the enrollment package.
params GetEnrollmentPackageFileInfo (wstring c_wstrPackageId, wstring c_wstrUserAgent, wstring c_wstrPackageFileType)
 Gets enrollment package file information if it's ready or gets a list of available file types in the package if concrete file type is not recognized by the User Agent.
binary GetEnrollmentPackageFileData (wstring c_wstrPackageId, wstring c_wstrPackageFileType, int lBuffOffset, int lBuffSize)
 Gets enrollment package file data.
 PostCommand (int lDeviceId, wstring c_wstrCommandGuid, wstring c_wstrCommandType, params pArguments, int lMdmProtocols, int lProcessFlags)
 Posts a command to the specified device.
 PostCommand2 (int lDeviceId, wstring c_wstrCommandGuid, wstring c_wstrCommandType, params pArguments, int lMdmProtocols, int lProcessFlags)
 Posts a command to the specified device.
boolean RecallCommand (wstring c_wstrCommandGuid)
 Repeats a call of the command previously posted to the specified device.
array GetCommands (int lDeviceId)
 Acquires states of active commands (not completed, not failed, etc.) posted to the specified device.
array GetCommandsAll (int lDeviceId)
 Acquires states of all commands posted to the specified device.
boolean DeleteCommand (wstring c_wstrCommandGuid, boolean bForced=false)
 Deletes a command previously posted to the specified device.
array GetCommandsLibrary ()
 Acquires library of all available commands.
array GetDecipheredCommandList (long llCommandFlags, array pCommandsLibrary)
 Calculates the commands list according to bit mask of supported commands.
binary GenerateQRCode (wstring strInputData, int lQRCodeSize, int lImageFormat)
 Generates QR code.
array GetJournalRecords (int lDeviceId)
 Acquires records from the journal.
params GetSyncInfo (int nGroupId, int nGSyncId, array pFields)
 Retrieves group synchronization information for the UMDM policy.
params GetMobileAgentSettingStorageData (int lDeviceId, wstring c_wstrSectionName)
 Gets mobile agent setting storage data (for example SS data of the KES4Android application)
array GetMultitenancyServersInfo (int nProtocolIds)
 Retrieves the multitenancy servers list.
params GetMultitenancyServerSettings (wstring c_wstrMtncServerId)
 Retrieves multitenancy server settings.
 SetMultitenancyServerSettings (wstring c_wstrMtncServerId, params pSettings)
 Sets multitenancy server settings.
long CreateEnrollmentPackage2 (binary pUserId, int lMdmProtocols, int lContentType, int lLiveTime, wstring c_wstrUrlFormat, params pRecipient, params pNotification, array pProtSpecInfo)
 Creates the enrollment package for an user's device.
long CreateEnrollmentPackage2Ex (binary pUserId, int lMdmProtocols, int lContentType, int lLiveTime, params pUrlFormats, params pRecipient, params pNotificationEx, array pProtSpecInfo)
 Creates the enrollment package for an user's device.
params CreateEnrollmentPackages (binary pUserId, int lLiveTime, params pRecipient, params pNotificationEx, array pProtSpecInfo)
 Creates the enrollment package for an user's device.
array CreateEnrollmentPackagesMulti (array pUsers, int lLiveTime, array pProtSpecInfo)
 Creates the enrollment package for array user's device.
array GetDevicesExtraData (array pDeviceIds, array pCategories)
 Gets additional data from devices such as installed applications, profiles, certificates and etc. !
boolean GetSafeBrowserAutoinstallFlag ()
 !DEPRECATED! Returns flag which means install or don't install SafeBrowser automatically when device connects first time
 SetSafeBrowserAutoinstallFlag (boolean bInstall)
 !DEPRECATED! Sets flag which means install or don't install SafeBrowser automatically when device connects first time
 SspLoginAllowed ()
 !DEPRECATED! Checks user permission to login to SSP
array GetJournalRecords2 (int lDeviceId)
 Acquires records from the journal without command result data.
params GetJournalCommandResult (long llJrnlId)
 Returns command result data for the specific journal record.
 SaveEulaAndAccept (wstring wstrProdName, wstring wstrProdVersion, wstring wstrProdDispName, wstring wstrProdDispVersion, binary binEulaUID, wstring wstrText, datetime tTimeStamp, boolean bAccept)
 Saves the license agreement for a mobile product and accepts it.
boolean IsEulaAccepted (binary binEulaUID)
 Checks whether the license agreement for a mobile product is accepted.
array GetNotAcceptedEulaIds ()
 Returns the array of not accepted license agreement's identifiers for mobile products.
array GetHostsUmdmInfo (array pHosts)
 Retrieves information about umdm hosts.

Detailed Description

Interface for the unified mobile device management.