Kaspersky Security Center API description
ReportManager Class Reference

Managing reports. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

array EnumReportTypes ()
 Enumerates all existing report types supported by Administration Server.
params GetReportTypeDetailedInfo (int lReportTypeId)
 Returns information about specified report types.
array EnumReports ()
 Enumerates all existing reports.
params GetReportInfo (int lReportId)
 Returns information about specified report.
params GetDefaultReportInfo (int lReportType)
 Returns default report information for specified report type.
int AddReport (params pReportInfo)
 Creates a new report.
 UpdateReport (int lReportId, params pReportInfo)
 Updates information about existing reports.
 RemoveReport (int lReportId)
 Removes specified report.
 ExecuteReportAsync (int lReportId, params pOptions,[out] wstring strRequestId)
 Executes a report.
 ExecuteReportAsyncGetData (wstring strRequestId, int nChunkSize,[out] binary pXmlData,[out] int nDataSizeRest,[out] params pChartData)
 Receives the result of the asynchronous ReportManager::ExecuteReportAsync operation. Deprecated function.
 ExecuteReportAsyncCancel (wstring strRequestId)
 Cancels the asynchronous ReportManager::ExecuteReportAsync operation.
 CreateChartPNG (params pChartData, params pOptions,[out] binary pPngData)
 Creates an image in the PNG format with the chart data.
array GetReportIds ()
 Enumerates IDs of existing reports.
params GetReportCommonData (int lReportId)
 Returns general data for the specified report.
wstring GetConstantOutputForReportType (int lReportType, int lXmlTargetType)
 Returns the XSLT transformation as a string for the specified report type.
 RequestStatisticsData (params pRequestParams,[out] wstring strRequestId)
 Asynchronously requests statistics, general statuses, and dashboards data. Deprecated function.
 CancelStatisticsRequest (wstring strRequestId)
 Cancels the asynchronous ReportManager::RequestStatisticsData operation. Deprecated function.
 GetStatisticsData (wstring strRequestId,[out] params pResultData)
 Receives the result of the ReportManager::RequestStatisticsData operation. Deprecated function.
 CollectStatisticsAsync (params pRequestParams,[out] wstring wstrRequestId)
 Asynchronously receives statistics, general statuses, and dashboards data.
 CollectStatisticsAsyncCancel (wstring wstrRequestId)
 Cancels an asynchronous ReportManager::CollectStatisticsAsync operation, which allows to receive statistics.
 CollectStatisticsAsyncGetData (wstring wstrRequestId,[out] params pResultData)
 Receives statistics after the asynchronous ReportManager::CollectStatisticsAsync operation.
params GetFilterSettings (int lReportType)
 Receives filter settings.
 ExecuteReportAsyncCancelWaitingForSlaves (wstring strRequestId)
 Stops waiting for the report data from secondary Administration Servers when generating report.
 ResetStatisticsData (params pRequestParams)
 Forces the reset of the statistics data.
array GetAvailableDashboards ()
 Enumerates available dashboards.

Detailed Description

Managing reports.

Allows to enumerate, create, execute, and delete reports.