Kaspersky Security Center API description
Tasks Class Reference

Group tasks. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

params GetTask (wstring strTask)
 Acquire attributes of specified task.
 RunTask (wstring strTask)
 Start specified task.
 SuspendTask (wstring strTask)
 Suspend execution of the specified task.
 ResumeTask (wstring strTask)
 Resume specified task.
 CancelTask (wstring strTask)
 Cancel execution of the specified task.
params GetTaskStatistics (wstring strTask)
 !DEPRECATED SINCE KSC15! Acquire statistics of the specified task.
params GetTaskStatistics2 (wstring strTask)
 Acquire statistics of the specified task.
 GetTaskHistory (wstring strTask, array pFields2Return, array pSortFields, wstring strHostName, params pFilter,[out] wstring strIteratorId)
 Acquire task execution history events.
 DeleteTask (wstring strTask)
 Delete the specified task.
params GetTaskData (wstring strTask)
 Acquire task settings.
wstring AddTask (params pData)
 Create new task.
 UpdateTask (wstring strTask, params pData)
 Modify task settings.
 AddHostToTask (wstring strTask, wstring strHostName)
 Add host to task.
binary ProtectPassword (wstring strPassword)
 Encrypt an account password.
 SetTaskStartEvent (wstring strTask, params pData)
 Set task start event.
params GetTaskStartEvent (wstring strTask)
 Get task start event.
 ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatus (wstring strTask, array pFields2Return, int nHostStateMask, int nLifetime,[out] wstring strHostIteratorId)
 Make host task states request.
boolean GetNextHostStatus (wstring strHostIteratorId, int nCount,[out] int nActual,[out] params pHostStatus)
 Sequentially get result of operation ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatus or ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatusEx.
 ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatusEx (wstring strTask, array pFields2Return, array pFields2Order, int nHostStateMask, int nLifetime,[out] wstring strHostIteratorId)
 Make host task states request.
int GetHostStatusRecordsCount (wstring strHostIteratorId)
 Get records count of result of operation ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatus or ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatusEx.
int GetHostStatusRecordRange (wstring strHostIteratorId, int nStart, int nEnd,[out] params pParHostStatus)
 Get result of operation ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatus or ResetHostIteratorForTaskStatusEx.
 ReleaseHostStatusIterator (wstring strHostIteratorId)
 Release iterator of specified data.
array GetAllTasksOfHost (wstring strDomainName, wstring strHostName)
 Get all group and global tasks of specified host.
int GetTaskGroup (wstring strTaskId)
 Return the group id for the group task.
wstring ResolveTaskId (wstring strPrtsTaskId)
 Get task id by PRTS task id.
 ResetTasksIterator (int nGroupId, boolean bGroupIdSignificant, wstring strProductName, wstring strVersion, wstring strComponentName, wstring strInstanceId, wstring strTaskName, boolean bIncludeSupergroups,[out] wstring strTaskIteratorId)
 Reset task iterator for a specified filter data.
 GetNextTask (wstring strTaskIteratorId,[out] params pTaskData)
 Sequentially get task data.
 ReleaseTasksIterator (wstring strTaskIteratorId)
 Release task iterator.
wstring UpdateCredPasswords (wstring wstrUser, wstring wstrPass, wstring wstrOldPass, array pActions)
 Update tasks credentials passwords.
 CancelUpdateCredPasswords (wstring wstrRequestId)
 Cancel an asynchronous call to Tasks.UpdateCredPasswords.

Detailed Description

Group tasks.

Allows to acquire task attributes, enumerate, control and delete tasks.

See also:
Sample. Creating and running task., Sample. Enumerating tasks, querying task statistics and running task.