Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS
- العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
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- Português (Portugal)
- Română (România)
- Srpski
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- Русский
- العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
- Čeština (Česká republika)
- Dansk (Danmark)
- Suomi (Suomi)
- Deutsch
- Español (España)
- Español (México)
- Français
- Italiano
- Magyar (Magyarország)
- Norsk, bokmål (Norge)
- Nederlands (Nederland)
- Polski (Polska)
- Português (Brasil)
- Português (Portugal)
- Română (România)
- Srpski
- Türkçe (Türkiye)
- Svenska (Sverige)
- Русский
- Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS overview
- Licensing
- Get started on Android
- Install the app
- Configure the app for use by a parent
- Configure the app for your child
- Remove the app from the parent's device
- Remove the app from your child's device
- Update the app
- The app interface on the parent's device
- Start and stop the app
- Use the access code
- Use the fingerprint
- Activate the premium version of the app
- About the activation code
- View license information
- Pause and resume Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's Android device
- Get started on iOS
- Install the app
- Configure the app for use by a parent
- Configure the app for your child
- Remove the app from the parent's device
- Remove the app from your child's device
- Update the app
- The app interface on the parent's device
- Start and stop the app
- Use the access code
- Use Touch ID and Face ID
- Activate the premium version of the app
- View license information
- Internet use monitoring
- Application monitoring
- Device use monitoring
- Location monitoring
- Battery level monitoring
- Alerts on your child's activity
- Child's requests
- View a summary of your child's activities
- Contact Technical Support
- Sources of information about the app
- For beta testers
- Glossary
- Legal
Licensing > About the license
About the license
About the license
A license is the right to use the service on the terms of the End User License Agreement.
A license includes the right to:
- Use the application on one or more computers or devices.
- Get assistance from Technical Support.
- Receive updates.
You can use the following versions of the application:
- Free version. The free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the basic functionality. You can switch from the free version to the premium version by purchasing the premium version in the online store or on the My Kaspersky website.
- Premium version. The premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the application's full functionality. The premium version has a limited license period. When the license expires, the application's premium features are disabled and the application switches to the free version. You can continue using the free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids or renew the premium version.
When your license expires, you might be granted a grace period, during which the application remains fully functional.
- Trial version. The trial version lets you use full app functionality during a trial period without paying a fee. You can switch from the trial version to the premium version of the app. When the trial period expires, the app automatically switches to the free version.
Article ID: 95319, Last review: Sep 10, 2019