Managing assets

In the Assets section of the KUMA web interface, you can view and edit information about known assets and their categories. Assets can be imported from Kaspersky Security Center and from MaxPatrol reports.

The asset categories tree is displayed in the left part of the Assets section. You can browse the tree, and expand or collapse nodes. When a node is selected, the assets belonging to that node category are displayed in the right part of the window.

When an asset is selected, the right side of the window shows the Asset details area displaying the following asset parameters:

You can select the check boxes next to assets and then assign them to a category by using the Link to category button.

Do not assign the Categorized assets category to assets.

See also:

About assets

In this Help topic

Asset categories

Adding an asset category

Configuring the table of assets

Importing asset information from Kaspersky Security Center

Importing asset information from MaxPatrol

Searching assets

Adding assets

Deleting assets

Editing the parameters of assets

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