Importing asset information from MaxPatrol

In KUMA, you can import asset information from reports on the results of network device scans using MaxPatrol, which is a system for monitoring the state of security and compliance with standards. The import is performed through the API using the maxpatrol-tool on the server where the KUMA Core is installed. Imported assets are displayed in the KUMA web interface in the Assets section. If necessary, you can edit the settings of assets.

This tool is provided upon request.

Imports from MaxPatrol 8 are supported.

To import asset information from a MaxPatrol report:

  1. In MaxPatrol, generate a network asset scan report in XML file format and copy the report file to the KUMA Core server. For more details about scan tasks and output file formats, refer to the MaxPatrol documentation.

    Data cannot be imported from reports in SIEM integration file format. The XML file format must be selected.

  2. Create a file with the token for accessing the KUMA REST API. For convenience, it is recommended to place it into the MaxPatrol report folder. The file must not contain anything except the token.

    Requirements imposed on accounts for which the API token is generated:

  3. Copy the maxpatrol-tool to the server hosting the KUMA Core and make the tool's file executable by running the command chmod +x <path to maxpatrol-tool file on the server with the KUMA Core>.
  4. Run the maxpatrol-tool:

    ./maxpatrol-tool --kuma-rest <KUMA REST API server address and port> --token <path and name of API token file> --tenant <name of tenant where assets will reside> <path and name of MaxPatrol report file>

    Example: ./maxpatrol-tool --kuma-rest --token token.txt --tenant Main example.xml

You can use additional flags and commands for import operations. For example, the command --verbose, -v will display a full report on the received assets. A detailed description of the available flags and commands is provided in the table titled Flags and commands of maxpatrol-tool. You can also use the --help command to view information on the available flags and commands.

The asset information will be imported from the MaxPatrol report to KUMA. The console displays information on the number of new and updated assets.


inserted 2 assets;

updated 1 asset;

errors occurred: []

The tool works as follows when importing assets:

Flags and commands of maxpatrol-tool

Flags and commands


--kuma-rest <KUMA REST API server port and address>, -a <KUMA REST API server port and address>

Address (with the port) of KUMA Core server where assets will be imported. For example,

Port 7223 is used for API requests by default. You can change the port if necessary.

--token <path and name of API token file>, -t <path and name of API token file>

Path and name of the file containing the token used to access the REST API. This file must contain only the token.

The Administrator or Analyst role must be assigned to the user account for which the API token is being generated.

--tenant <tenant name>, -T <tenant name>

Name of the KUMA tenant in which the assets from the MaxPatrol report will be imported.

--dns <IP address ranges> or -d <IP address ranges>

This command uses DNS to enrich IP addresses with FQDNs from the specified ranges if the FQDNs for these addresses were not already specified.

Example: --dns,,

--dns-server <DNS server IP address>, -s <DNS server IP address>

Address of the DNS server that the tool must contact to receive FQDN information.

Example: --dns-server

--ignore <IP address ranges> or -i <IP address ranges>

Address ranges of assets that should be skipped during import.

Example: --ignore,

--verbose, -v

Output of the complete report on received assets and any errors that occurred during the import process.

--help, -h


Get reference information on the tool or a command.


./maxpatrol-tool help

./maxpatrol-tool <command> --help


Get information about the version of the maxpatrol-tool.


Creation of an autocompletion script for the specified shell.


Possible errors

Error message


must provide path to xml file to import assets

The path to the MaxPatrol report file was not specified.

incorrect IP address format

Invalid IP address format. This error may arise when incorrect IP ranges are indicated.

no tenants match specified name

No suitable tenants were found for the specified tenant name using the REST API.

unexpected number of tenants (%v) match specified name. Tenants are: %v

KUMA returned more than one tenant for the specified tenant name.

could not parse file due to error: %w

Error reading the XML file containing the MaxPatrol report.

error decoding token: %w

Error reading the API token file.

error when importing files to KUMA: %w

Error transferring asset information to KUMA.

skipped asset with no FQDN and IP address

One of the assets in the report did not have an FQDN or IP address. Information about this asset was not sent to KUMA.

skipped asset with invalid FQDN: %v

One of the assets in the report had an incorrect FQDN. Information about this asset was not sent to KUMA.

skipped asset with invalid IP address: %v

One of the assets in the report had an incorrect IP address. Information about this asset was not sent to KUMA.

KUMA response: %v

An error occurred with the specified report when importing asset information.

unexpected status code %v

An unexpected HTTP code was received when importing asset information from KUMA.

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