Preparing the target machine

The program components are installed on the target machines.

To prepare the target machine for the installation of KUMA components:

  1. Install an operating system on the test machine and then install the necessary packages.
  2. Configure the network interface.

    For convenience, you can use the graphical utility nmtui.

  3. Configure the system time to synchronize with the NTP server:
    1. If the machine does not have direct Internet access, edit the /etc/chrony.conf file to replace with the name or IP address of your organization's internal NTP server.
    2. Start the system time synchronization service by executing the following command:

      sudo systemctl enable --now chronyd

    3. Wait a few seconds and execute the following command:

      sudo timedatectl | grep 'System clock synchronized'

      If the system time is synchronized correctly, the output will contain the line "System clock synchronized: yes".

  4. Specify the host name. It is highly recommended to use the FQDN. For example:

    You should not change the KUMA host name after installation: this will make it impossible to verify the authenticity of certificates and will disrupt the network communication between the program components.

  5. Register the target machine in your organization's DNS zone to allow host names to be translated to IP addresses.

    If your organization does not use a DNS server, you can use the /etc/hosts file for name resolution. The content of the files can be automatically generated for each target machine when installing KUMA.

  6. Execute the following command and write down the result:

    hostname -f

    You will need this host name when installing KUMA. The test machine must be able to access the target machine using this name.

The target machine is ready for the installation of KUMA components.

The test machine can be used as a target one. To do so, prepare the test machine, then follow steps 4–6 in the instructions for preparing the target machine.

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