Preparing the test machine

The test machine is used during the program installation process: the installer files are unpacked and run on it.

To prepare the test machine for the KUMA installation:

  1. Install an operating system on the test machine and then install the necessary packages.
  2. Configure the network interface.

    For convenience, you can use the graphical utility nmtui.

  3. Configure the system time to synchronize with the NTP server:
    1. If the machine does not have direct Internet access, edit the /etc/chrony.conf file to replace with the name or IP address of your organization's internal NTP server.
    2. Start the system time synchronization service by executing the following command:

      sudo systemctl enable --now chronyd

    3. Wait a few seconds and execute the following command:

      sudo timedatectl | grep 'System clock synchronized'

      If the system time is synchronized correctly, the output will contain the line "System clock synchronized: yes".

  4. Generate an SSH key for authentication on the SSH servers of the target machines by executing the following command:

    sudo ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -N "" -C kuma-ansible-installer

  5. Make sure the test machine has network access to all the target machines by host name and copy the SSH key to each of them by executing the following command:

    sudo ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa root@<host name of the test machine>

  6. Copy the archive with the KUMA installer to the test machine and unpack it using the following command (about 2 GB of disk space is required):

    sudo tar -xpf kuma-ansible-installer-<version>.tar.gz

The test machine is ready for the KUMA installation.

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