Connecting nodes into a hierarchical structure

Prior to connecting nodes, you should make sure that they have hierarchy mode enabled, their node profiles have been configured, and certificates have been created for the nodes. Parent and child nodes must exchange their certificates over encrypted communication channels.

Connection of nodes in a hierarchy consists of the following steps:

Prior to connecting nodes, make sure that the system time on the machines is synchronized with the NTP server. For more details, please refer to the appropriate documentation for Oracle Linux and for Astra Linux Special Edition.

When a connection is established, the parent node polls its child nodes for their available hierarchy data every 5 minutes, and thereby identify the structure of their available branch of the hierarchical tree. This data is displayed in the KUMA web interface under SettingsHierarchyStructure after the web page is refreshed.

Information about the hierarchical structure can be manually refreshed by using the Update structure button. To display the updated data, you must refresh the page of your web browser.

In this section

Connecting to a parent node

Connecting a child node

Disconnecting a node

Changing a node

Errors when connecting nodes

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