Preparing a script for integration with UserGate

To prepare a script for use:

  1. Copy the ID of the correlator whose correlation rules you want to trigger blocking of URL, IP address, or domain name in UserGate:
    1. In the KUMA web interface, go to the ResourcesActive services.
    2. Select the check box next to the correlator whose ID you want to obtain, and click Copy ID.

      The correlator ID is copied to the clipboard.

  2. Download the script:

  3. Open the script file and in the Enter UserGate Parameters section, in the login and password parameters, specify the credentials of the UserGate administrator account that was created at step 7 of configuring the integration in UserGate.
  4. Place the downloaded script on the KUMA correlator server at the following path: /opt/kaspersky/kuma/correlator/<correlator ID from step 1>/scripts/.
  5. Connect to the correlator server via SSH and go to the path from step 4:

    cd /opt/kaspersky/kuma/correlator/<correlator ID from step 1>/scripts/

  6. Run the following command:

    chmod +x && chown kuma:kuma

The script is ready to use.

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