Kaspersky MLAD architecture

Kaspersky MLAD is installed on a server that meets the hardware and software requirements. The Kaspersky MLAD Server centrally stores information about application services and connectors and provides a single web user interface for managing them.

Access to individual services or application connectors is not provided.

When installing Kaspersky MLAD, all application connectors and services are hosted on the same server and interact with each other through an internal virtual network that is isolated from external systems.

Kaspersky MLAD includes specially prepared ML models, and the following services and connectors:

ML model

An ML model is a model created for a specific facility based on machine learning algorithms and/or diagnostic rules using telemetry data from this facility. The ML model detects incidents.

An ML model can be provided as part of the Kaspersky MLAD Model-building and Deployment Service or created using the model builder.

Kaspersky MLAD services

Kaspersky MLAD services comprise a set of core application services supplied to each monitored asset. Kaspersky MLAD includes the following services:


Connectors are services that facilitate the exchange of data with external systems. For each protection object, you must select one of the following connectors:

The figure below shows a diagram of interaction between Kaspersky MLAD services.

The diagram describes Kaspersky MLAD interaction with external systems and Kaspersky MLAD components' interaction with each other.

Diagram of interaction between Kaspersky MLAD services

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