Configuring the HTTP Connector

Kaspersky MLAD uses the HTTP Connector to receive data from CSV files during scheduled uploads of data using the POST method. You can download data via HTTP or HTTPS by specifying the relevant protocol in a request.

System administrators can configure the HTTP Connector.

The HTTP Connector does not support a secure connection. If you want to use a secure connection to receive and send data, it is recommended to use additional means to secure the network connection (for example, use a VPN) or use another method to prevent unauthorized access to the communication channel.

To configure the HTTP Connector:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the page, click the Main menu button.

    You will be taken to the administrator menu.

  2. Select System parametersHTTP Connector.

    A list of options appears on the right.

  3. Use the Write data to the Message Broker service toggle switch to enable writing data to the Message Broker service.
  4. If necessary, use the Save received file toggle switch to enable the function for saving received CSV files.
  5. In the Size of written block (tag count) field, specify the number of tags that are written to the Message Broker service at one time.
  6. In the Maximum size of uploaded file (MB) field, specify the maximum size (in megabytes) of a file transmitted to the HTTP Connector.

    If you try to download a larger CSV file, the file would not be passed to the HTTP Connector.

  7. Click the Save button.

Kaspersky MLAD will receive data from CSV files using the HTTP Connector.

The following is an example of sending a CSV file to the HTTP Connector via cURL over HTTP using the POST method to port 4999 of the Kaspersky MLAD server:

curl -F "file=@<file name>.csv" -X POST "http://<Kaspersky MLAD server IP address or domain name>:4999/"

The HTTP Connector accepts CSV files with the following fields:



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