Checking the current structure of tags

System administrators can manage assets and tags.

Kaspersky MLAD saves the tags received from external assets in the Time Series Database service. When unknown tags are received via KICS Connector, the application also automatically creates these tags in the KICS asset tree section.

Kaspersky MLAD allows you to compare the current tag structure displayed in the asset tree and used for a monitored asset to the one saved for this monitored asset in the Time Series Database service. Kaspersky MLAD detects tags that were received from external assets, but are missing in the current tag structure and are not used for the monitored asset. If necessary, you can add these tags to the current tag structure.

To compare the current tag structure with the structure in the Time Series Database service:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the page, click the Main menu button.

    You will be taken to the administrator menu.

  2. Select the Assets section.
  3. In the upper part of the page, click the Check tags button.

    The current tag structure used for the monitored asset is compared with the tag structure stored in the Time Series Database service. The comparison result is displayed in the upper part of the page.

    If missing tags are detected, Kaspersky MLAD displays a list of these tags with the names in the Tag <tag ID> format.

  4. To add missing tags, do the following:
    1. For each detected tag, in the Asset field select the asset to which you want to assign the tag.
    2. Click the Add button.

    Kaspersky MLAD will add tags to the asset tree. Only the IDs, names in the Tag <tag ID> format, and the assets to which the tags are assigned are specified for these tags. If necessary, you can change the added tags.

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