Creating an incident notification

Only system administrators can manage incident notifications.

To create an incident notification for a user:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the page, click theĀ Main menu button.

    You will be taken to the administrator menu.

  2. Select the Notifications section.
  3. On the opened page, click the Create button.

    The Create notification window opens.

  4. In the User drop-down list, select the user for whom you want to create a notification.

    The User list displays the last names and first names of users specified when user accounts were created.

  5. In the Email address field, specify the email address to which incident notifications are sent.

    By default, Kaspersky MLAD automatically fills in the Email address field with the address specified for the selected user when the user account was created.

  6. Specify the types of incidents for which the application will send notifications:
    • If you want to configure a notification about predicted tag values, select the Forecaster check box.
    • If you want to configure a notification about a tag value approaching the blocking threshold, select the Limit Detector check box.
    • If you want to configure a notification about a tag reaching the threshold set for a diagnostic rule, select the Rule Detector check box.
    • If you want to configure a notification about the termination or interruption of the input data stream for a specific tag, or about the detection of observations that arrived too soon or too late, select the Stream Processor check box.
  7. In the Delivery language field, select the language of the delivered incident notifications.

    By default, the current localization language of the Kaspersky MLAD web interface is used for incident notifications. It is available in English and Russian.

  8. To enable sending of notifications, set the State toggle switch to the Activated position.
  9. Click the Save button.

Information about the new notification will be displayed in the table. If necessary, you can edit or delete notifications.

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