Adding a tag to an asset

System administrators can manage assets and tags.

In Kaspersky MLAD, you can add tags to created assets.

To add a tag to an asset:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the page, click theĀ Main menu button.

    You will be taken to the administrator menu.

  2. Select the Assets section.
  3. In the asset tree, next to the section to which you want to add a tag, open the vertical menu and select Add tag.

    The Create tag pane opens on the right.

  4. If necessary, click the Choose icon button and select an icon for the tag in the opened window.

    You can upload the tag icon by clicking the Load icon button. Images of any format larger than 128x128 pixels are shrunk to 128x128 while maintaining the aspect ratio. The size of the uploaded image in SVG format must not exceed 200 KB.

    If you need to delete the tag icon, click the tag icon and then click Delete in the opened window.

  5. Specify the unique tag name in the Name field. If you want to receive tag values from an external system, specify the tag name in the external system.
  6. Enter a description for the tag in the Description field.
  7. If necessary, specify an alternative name for the tag in the Alternative name field.
  8. Enter the unique numerical identifier of the tag in the ID field.
  9. In the Dimension field, specify the measurement units for the tagĀ (for example % or mPa).
  10. In the X, Y, and Z fields, specify the spatial coordinates for the location of the monitored asset's sensor.

    You can use an arbitrary point as the origin of the coordinate system.

    You can use sensor coordinates to calculate tag values when creating a preset and displaying them on the graph in the Time slice section.

  11. In the Blocking threshold block, in the Lower and Upper fields, specify the lower and upper thresholds of tag values, upon reaching which it is necessary for the ICS to take emergency response measures.

    These settings are required for correct operation of the Limit Detector. Whenever the tag value reaches its upper or lower blocking threshold, the Limit Detector registers an incident.

    If the Always display blocking threshold option is enabled, the vertical scale of the graph will be defined by threshold lines drawn at the lower and upper boundaries of the tag graph, provided that the tag values are within the specified range. If the tag values go beyond the specified thresholds, the vertical scale will be automatically changed to display the tag values exceeding the limits.

  12. In the Alarm threshold, in the Lower and Upper fields, specify the lower and upper thresholds of the tag values, upon reaching which it is necessary for the ICS to take emergency response measures.
  13. In the Measurement confidence thresholds block, in the Lower and Upper fields, specify the lower and upper thresholds for physically possible tag values.
  14. In the Display boundaries section, in the Lower and Upper fields, specify the lower and upper boundaries for displaying tag values on graphs.

    If tag values go beyond the defined boundaries, they will not be displayed on the tag graph. The permissible boundaries for displaying tag values take priority over the display of blocking thresholds, even if the Always display blocking threshold function is enabled.

    In the External system asset field, specify the name of the asset created in the external system, for which you need to receive tags.

  15. In the Comment field, enter a brief comment for the tag.
  16. If you want to add additional horizontal threshold lines for this tag on the charts in the Monitoring and History sections, do the following:
    1. Click the Add line button.
    2. In the Threshold value field that appears, specify the value that you want to display on the charts.
    3. In the Line color field, select the color in which the threshold line will be displayed on the charts.

    Additional horizontal threshold lines help visually evaluate the fluctuations of tag values within certain limits. You can add multiple additional horizontal threshold lines.

  17. Click the Save button.

The new tag appears in the Tags group of the asset tree. The Tags group is created automatically and displayed as part of the selected section of the asset tree. If necessary, you can change the position of tags in the tree.

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