Configuring the connection of a CPE device to the orchestrator and controller

When a CPE device is being registered, it connects to the orchestrator and controller. You can specify the orchestrator and controller connection settings in a CPE template or on a CPE device. Orchestrator and controller connection settings specified in the CPE template are automatically propagated to all CPE devices that use this CPE template.

To configure the connection of a CPE device to the orchestrator and controller:

  1. Configure the orchestrator and controller connection of the CPE device in one of the following ways:
    • If you want to configure automatic connection to the orchestrator and controller in a CPE template, go to the SD-WAN → CPE templates menu section, click the CPE template, and select the SD-WAN → General settings tab.
    • If you want to configure automatic connection to the orchestrator and controller in a CPE template, go to the SD-WAN → CPE menu section, click the CPE device, and select the SD-WAN → General settings tab and select the Override check box.

    This displays connection settings of a CPE device to the orchestrator and controller.

  2. Under Connection to orchestrator, specify the orchestrator connection settings of the CPE device:
    1. In the Orchestrator IP/FQDN field, enter the IP address or FQDN of the orchestrator. The maximum length of the FQDN is 50 characters.
    2. In the Orchestrator port field, enter the port number of the orchestrator. Range of values: 0 to 65,535.
    3. If you want to use a backup orchestrator if the main orchestrator fails, under Backup orchestrator IP and port:
      1. Select the Enabled check box. This check box is cleared by default.
      2. In the Backup orchestrator IP/FQDN field, enter the IP address or FQDN of the backup orchestrator. The maximum length of the FQDN is 50 characters.
      3. In the Backup orchestrator port field, enter the port number of the backup orchestrator. Range of values: 0 to 65,535.
    4. In the Orchestrator protocol drop-down list, select the protocol for connecting the CPE device to the orchestrator:
      • http
      • https Default value.

      This setting can only be specified in a CPE template.

    5. In the Update interval (sec.) field, enter the period in seconds for sending REST API requests from the CPE device to the orchestrator. Range of values: 5 to 300. Default value: 30.
    6. In the Interactive update interval (sec.) field, enter the period in seconds for sending REST API requests from the CPE device to the orchestrator in interactive mode. Range of values: 1 to 10. You can enable interactive mode for CPE device diagnostics.
    7. In the Interactive mode timeout (sec.) field, enter the time in seconds after which interactive mode is automatically disabled on the CPE device. Range of values: 30 to 180.
  3. Under Connection to controller, specify the controller connection settings of the CPE device:
    1. In the OpenFlow transport drop-down list, specify whether management sessions between SD-WAN interfaces of the WAN type of the CPE device and controller nodes are encrypted:
      • TCP for unencrypted management sessions.
      • SSL for encrypted management sessions. Default value.

      This setting can only be specified in a CPE template.

    2. In the Control SD-WAN interface drop-down list, select the SD-WAN interface of the WAN type that is prioritized when establishing the primary management session:
      • Random means that the primary management session is established from a randomly chosen SD-WAN interface of the WAN type. Default value.
      • <SD-WAN interface of the WAN type> means that the specified SD-WAN interface of the WAN type is used to establish the primary management session. If the specified SD-WAN interface of the WAN type is not available, the primary management session established from a randomly chosen SD-WAN interface of the WAN type.

      If the SD-WAN interface of the WAN type from which the primary management session was established fails, a new primary management session is randomly selected from previously established management sessions. If in the Control SD-WAN interface drop-down list, you selected <SD-WAN interface of the WAN type> and you want the management session established from the specified SD-WAN interface of the WAN type to become the primary session again when that interface recovers:

      1. Select the Preemption check box. This check box is cleared by default.
      2. In the Timeout field, enter the time in seconds after which the management session established from the specified SD-WAN interface of the WAN type becomes primary again when that interface recovers. Range of values: 0 to 86,400.
    3. In the Auto-reboot drop-down list, select whether you want the CPE device to restart when management sessions with controller nodes are interrupted for a long time:
      • Yes If you select this option, in the Reboot timeout (sec.) field, enter the time in seconds after which the CPE device is automatically restarted when management sessions with controller nodes are interrupted. Range of values: 60 to 2,073,600.
      • No Default value.
    4. In the Configuration URL field, enter the URL template for the basic settings of the CPE device. When entering a template, consider the following limitations:
      • {config} is a mandatory part which is replaced with settings for the CPE device when a link is generated from the template.
      • Maximum length: 128 characters.
      • You must specify http or https.

      By default, the following URL template is used:{config}.

  4. In the upper part of the settings area, click Save to save the settings of the CPE template or CPE device.
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