Viewing and deleting service requests

Service requests are tasks that are performed while solution components are working and are automatically created as a result of user actions. For example, when a user applies a CPE template to a CPE device, a corresponding service request is created. Each service request consists of several steps that are executed in sequence.

Viewing service requests

You can view the service requests of a tenant, a CPE device, and an SD-WAN instance:

The list of service requests of a tenant displays the name and ID of the service request, as well as its creation date and time. Information about service requests of an SD-WAN instance and CPE device is displayed in the following table columns:

You can open the log of the service request:

A log of the service request is displayed.

The log contains information about the steps at which errors occurred. You can click the step at which the error occurred to view a detailed description of that error.

Deleting service requests

You can delete service requests of an SD-WAN instance or a CPE device. Deleting a service request stops the associated operation.

Deleted service requests cannot be restored.

To delete a service request, do one of the following:

The service requests are deleted and are no longer displayed in the table.

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