Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 100

Securing a connection over the MQTT protocol

May 24, 2023

ID 240937

To securely transmit data over the MQTT protocol:

  1. Copy the file containing the certificate chain of the MQTT client (a chain can consist of one leaf certificate of the client) to the directory /app/Core/pki/certs/transfer/mqtt/publisher on the HW-IDS partition of the microSD card.
  2. Copy the file containing the certificate chain that was used to form the digital signature to the directory /app/Core/pki/certs/transfer/mqtt/publisher on the HW-IDS partition of the microSD card.
  3. Copy the file of the private encryption key of the MQTT client to the directory /app/Core/pki/private/transfer/mqtt/publisher on the HW-IDS partition of the microSD card.

The certificates and encryption keys used by the MQTT client must be in PEM format. The key length of the client certificate must be at least 2048 bits.

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