Kaspersky for Windows

Reports window

December 26, 2023

ID 69235

You can use the following capabilities for convenient management of reports:

  • Filter by date;
  • Filter by value in any cell;
  • Search by event record text;
  • Sort the list by each report column;
  • Change the order and arrangement of columns that are displayed in the report.

The following event importance levels are used in reports:

Informational event icon. Informational messages. Informational events that generally do not contain important information.

Warning event icon. Warnings. Events that you need to pay attention to, since they contain information about important situations that Kaspersky application encounters when running.

Critical event icon. Critical events. Critically important events that indicate that Kaspersky application has encountered problems affecting its ability to run or vulnerabilities affecting the protection level of the user’s computer.

When you click the Save report button, you can save the report as either a TXT or CSV format file.

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