Searching events in source code mode
September 6, 2024
ID 247637
To define event search conditions in source code mode:
- In the application web interface window, select the Threat Hunting section, Source code tab.
This opens a form containing the field for entering event search conditions in source code mode.
- Enter the event search conditions using criteria, operators, logical operators
, and parentheses to group conditions.A search condition must conform to the following syntax:
<criterion> <operator> <criterion value>
EventType = "filechange"
FileName CONTAINS "example"
OR UserName = "example"
- If you want to hide newline special characters in the editor window, click Convert special characters to line breaks. If you want to display newline characters, click Convert line breaks to special characters.
When using a complex search condition consisting of multiple criterion values, in the source code editing window, each criterion value must start on a new line. To display line breaks, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform uses line separator special characters (^r ^n). To perform an event search correctly, you must make sure the line separator special characters are correctly arranged.
- If you want to search events that occurred during a specific period, click the Any time button and select one of the following event search periods:
- Any time if you want the table to display events found as far back as the records go.
- Last hour if you want the table to display events that were found during the last hour.
- Last day if you want the table to display events found during the last day.
- Custom range if you want the table to display events found during the period you specify.
- If you selected Custom range:
- In the calendar that opens, specify the start and end dates of the event display range.
- Click Apply.
The calendar closes.
- Click Search.
The table of events that satisfy the search criteria is displayed.
If you are using the distributed solution and multitenancy mode, found events are grouped in tiers: Server – Tenant names – Server names.
- Click the name of the server for which you want to view events.
The host table of the selected server is displayed. Event grouping levels are displayed above the table.