Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Uploading a file containing a backup copy of server settings from your computer to the Central Node server

September 6, 2024

ID 247800

To upload a file containing a backup copy of server settings from the hard drive of your computer to the Central Node server, run the following command in Technical Support Mode:

scp <name of the file containing a backup copy of server settings in the form of settings-<backup copy creation date and time>.tar.gz> <name of the account used for working in the administrator menu and in the server management console>@<IP address of the server>:


Command for uploading an archive containing a backup copy of server settings created on April 10, 2020 at 10 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to the Central Node server with the IP address under the "admin" account:

scp settings-20200410-100000.tar.gz admin@

The file containing the backup copy of server settings is uploaded to the Central Node server in the current directory.

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