Adding a user

July 11, 2024

ID 203040

Adding users is available only for users with the Administrator role.

To add a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Users section.
  2. Click Add. The form of adding a new user will be opened:


  3. Fill in the following fields:
    • Full name
    • Email
    • Language (SMS/Email) – selection of a language for SMS and email notifications. The language for notifications is independent from the interface language.
    • Timezone – time specified according to the UTC standard.
    • Phone – user's phone number. Country code and operator code are entered in fields separated from other digits of the phone number, for example: +7-916-1234567.
    • User role – for more information, see User roles.
    • Password – temporary password for the new user.
    • Password again – confirmation of temporary password for the new user.

      It is possible to set temporary password for users with User, Administrator or Observer roles. For new users with the Contact role, it is impossible to set temporary password.

    • Comment
  4. Click Save.

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