show_resource_ip_status – get the status of the IP address on the specific Protected resource at the current time.

July 11, 2024

ID 206510

show_resource_ip_status(Auth, client_id, resource_id, ip)

Description: the method displays the status of the IP address on the specific Protected resource at the current time.

Input parameters:

client_id (int) – customer ID (integer from 1 to 4 294 967 295).

resource_id (int) – Protected resource ID (integer from 1 to 4 294 967 295).

ip (str) – IP address (from to

Output parameters:

ip_status (int) – IP address status (0 – normal, 1 – in white list, 2 – in black list, 3 – blocked).


The status is determined at the moment when the method is called.

The following statuses are possible:

normal – no special processing is required for the IP address.

in allowlist – IP address is on the static allowlist.

in denylist – IP address is on the static denylist.

blocked – IP address is blocked by the System based on statistical or behavioral criteria.

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