add_fine – charge fines to IP addresses

July 11, 2024

ID 249345

add_fine(Auth, client_id, resource_id, ip_list, fine, ttl)

Description: the method charges active for the specified period of time fines to IP addresses.

Input parameters:

client_id (int) – customer ID (integer from 1 to 4 294 967 295).

resource_id (int) – resource ID (integer from 1 to 4 294 967 295), or -1 for all resources of the customer.

ip_list (str) – list of IP addresses in text format (CIDR, IP_first-IP_last, IP).

fine (int) – charged fine (integer, from -100 to 100, except 0).

ttl (int) – blocking time in seconds. In case of unblocking it is time of trust to the address (integer, from 600 to 3600).


The number of IP addresses must be from 1 to 256.

It is forbidden to add IP address.


A JSON notation string of the following structure:


result (str) - OK or ERROR

errors (dict): {

<RESOURCE_ID_1>: [IP1, IP2, ...], //list of blocked IP addresses (when transmitting fine > 0) or

<RESOURCE_ID_2>: [IP3, IP4, ...], //list of trusted IP addresses (when transmitting fine < 0) for each resource.




For more information about the fines system, see the article about the KDP fines system.

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