Editing a device access rule
Depending on the type of device, you can modify various access settings, such as the list of users receiving access to the device, the access schedule, and allowed / blocked access.
To edit a device access rule:
- Open the application settings window.
- In the left part of the window, in the Endpoint control section, select the Device Control subsection.
In the right part of the window, the settings of the Device Control component are displayed.
- In the right part of the window, select the Types of devices tab.
The Types of devices tab contains access rules for all devices that are included in the classification of the Device Control component.
- Select the access rule that you want to edit.
- Click the Edit button. This button is only available for device types which have a file system.
The Configuring device access rule window opens.
By default, a device access rule grants all users full access to the specified type of devices at any time. In the Users and / or groups of users list, this access rule contains the All group. In the Rights of the selected group of users by access schedules table, this access rule contains the Default schedule for access to devices, with the rights to perform all types of operations with devices.
- Edit the settings of the device access rule:
- Select a user and / or group of users from the Users and / or groups of users list.
To edit the Users and / or groups of users list, use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons.
- In the Rights of the selected group of users by access schedules table, configure the schedule for access to devices for the selected user and / or group of users. To do this, select the check boxes next to the names of the access schedules for devices that you want to use in the device access rule that is to be edited.
To edit the list of access schedules to devices, use the Create, Edit, Copy, and Remove buttons in the Rights of the selected group of users by access schedules table.
- For each schedule for access to devices used in the rule being edited, specify the operations that are allowed when working with devices. To do so, in the Rights of the selected group of users by access schedules table, select the check boxes in the columns containing the names of the relevant operations.
- Click OK.
After you have edited the default settings of a device access rule, the setting for access to the type of device in the Access column in the table on the Types of devices tab is changed to the Restrict by rules value.
- Select a user and / or group of users from the Users and / or groups of users list.
- To save changes, click the Save button.