Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Linux

Malware Scan

July 3, 2024

ID 246376

Malware Scan is a one-time full or custom scan of files on the device performed by the application. The application can carry out multiple malware scanning tasks at the same time.

By default, the application creates one standard virus scan task — a full scan. The application scans all the objects located on the local drives of the device, as well as all mounted and shared objects that are accessed via the Samba and NFS protocols with the recommended security settings.

During a full disk scan, the processor is busy. It is recommended to run the full scan task when the business is idle.

You can also create custom malware scan tasks.

Malware Scan task settings




This group of settings contains buttons that open windows where you can configure the scan scopes, scan scope settings, and scan settings.

Task priority

In this group of settings you can select the scan task priority:

  • Low— the scan task is executed with a low priority: no more than 10% of processor resource consumption. Execution of the task takes more time, but the application allocates resources for other tasks.
  • Normal (default value) — the scan task is executed with a normal priority: no more than 50% of all processor resources.
  • High — the scan task is executed with a high priority, without limiting the consumption of processor resources. Specify this value to perform the current scan task faster.

Actions for infected objects

This group of settings contains the Configure button. Clicking this button opens the Actions for infected objects window, where you can configure the actions that the application performs on detected infected objects.

In the Exclusions section, you can also configure exclusion scopes as well as exclusions by mask and by the threat name for Malware Scans.

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