September 12, 2023
ID 58390
File Threat Protection and Web Threat Protection provide real-time computer protection, but we also recommend that you regularly scan your computer for malware and other computer security threats. Computer scanning is necessary to prevent the spread of malware that has not been detected by the protection components.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security contains the following built-in scan tasks:
- Full Scan.
A malware scan of the computer's memory, startup objects, and all internal disks.
- Quick Scan.
A malware scan of only critical areas of the computer: memory, startup objects, and system folders.
- Custom Scan.
A malware scan of a specified object (file, folder, internal disk, or removable disk).
Each scan task is performed within a specified scan scope and is started manually. Malicious objects are recognized through signature analysis. In addition to signature analysis, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses heuristic analysis and other scanning technologies.
Start Full Scan and Quick Scan tasks
You can schedule a Full Scan or Quick Scan task.
Schedule a scan task from the Scan window
Schedule a scan task from the Settings window
The Full Scan and Quick Scan tasks already contain scan scopes. While performing the Full Scan task, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application scans the computer's memory, startup objects, and all internal disks. While performing the Quick Scan task, the application scans computer memory, startup objects, and system folders. You can change the scan scope of the Quick Scan task.
Note: You can skip scanning of the read-only system volume to significantly reduce scanning time. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the read-only system volume when performing a Quick Scan task and does scan it when performing a Full Scan task.
Enable/disable scanning of the read-only system volume
Add/remove a file or folder to/from the Quick Scan task scan scope
Add an object on the default Quick Scan list to the Quick Scan task scan scope
Disable protection of an object in the Quick Scan task scan scope
If a threat is detected in a file, the application displays a notification and performs the specified action on the object. You can modify the action to perform when an object is detected.
Select the action that Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs after detecting infected files
Before disinfecting or deleting an infected file, Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves a copy of it in Backup, so you can restore the original file, if necessary.
Information about the results of scan tasks and all detected objects is logged in a report.
Note: If any errors occur while running a malware scan task, start the task again. If the new attempt to run the scan also results in an error, contact Kaspersky Technical Support.
Information about the progress of each running scan task (percent complete and time remaining) is displayed in the Scan window.