Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows uninstallation. Sample commands
To uninstall Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows from the protected device, run the following command:
- For 32-bit operating systems:
msiexec /x ess_x86.msi /qn
- For 64-bit operating systems:
msiexec /x ess_x64.msi /qn
- For 32-bit operating systems:
msiexec /x {263DB314-C453-4539-A5C1-845B542FFDCA} /qn
- For 64-bit operating systems:
msiexec /x {429EF48A-879D-428A-BA60-22761417FD8E} /qn
To uninstall Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows Console, run the following command:
msiexec /x esstools.msi /qn
msiexec /x {4A79347C-BAE9-4A94-BF5D-16CDA5085084} /qn
To uninstall Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows from a device on which password protection is enabled, perform the following command:
- For 32-bit operating systems:
msiexec /x {263DB314-C453-4539-A5C1-845B542FFDCA} UNLOCK_PASSWORD=*** /qn
- For 64-bit operating systems:
msiexec /x {429EF48A-879D-428A-BA60-22761417FD8E} UNLOCK_PASSWORD=*** /qn