Default Registry Access Monitor task settings
The default settings for the Registry Access Monitor task are described in the table below. You can change the values of the settings in the following components:
- The Administration Plug-in
- The Application Console
- The Web Plug-in
Default Registry Access Monitor task settings
Default value
Monitoring scope
Not defined
Use this option to define the parent registry keys and subkeys to monitor. The setting is mandatory. If you do not define the setting, the task fails to start. Monitoring events are generated for the parent registry keys and subkeys in the specified monitoring scope.
All items of the list of actions are selected
Use this option to configure a list of actions as applicable by selecting and clearing the respective check boxes.
Registry Values
Not defined
Use this option to add, modify, and remove the registry values you want to monitor for the defined monitoring scope.
Trusted users
Not defined
You can specify users and groups of users authorized to perform the defined actions for the specified registry keys.
Task mode.
Statistics only
You can select the task mode to Block operations according to the rules, or you can select the Statistics only mode to receive the notifications.
Task start schedule
Not defined
You can configure the settings to start the task on schedule.