Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

Allowing network connections for the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows remote management process

October 25, 2023

ID 181676

The names of settings may vary depending on the installed Windows operating system.

To open TCP port 135 in Windows Firewall and to allow network connections for the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows remote management process:

  1. Close the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows Console on the remote device.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later:
      1. Select Start > Windows Firewall.
      2. In the Windows Firewall window (or Windows Firewall settings), click the Add port button on the Exclusions tab.
      3. In the Name field, specify the port name RPC (TCP/135) or enter another name, for example Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows DCOM, and specify the port number (135) in the Port name field.
      4. Select the TCP protocol.
      5. Click the OK button.
      6. Click the Add button on the Exclusions tab.
    • On Microsoft Windows 7 or later:
      1. Select Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall.
      2. In the Windows Firewall window, select Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.
      3. In the Allow programs to communicate through Windows Firewall window click the Allow another program button.
  3. Specify the kavfsrcn.exe file in the Add Program window. It is located in the destination folder specified during installation of Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows Console using Microsoft Management Console.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the OK button in the Windows Firewall (Windows Firewall settings) window.

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