Exclusion scopes section
August 5, 2024
ID 275079
In the Exclusion scopes section for the Critical Areas Scan task, you can configure exclusion scopes, exclusions by mask and by threat name, as well as the use of global exclusions and File Threat Protection exclusions when the task is running.
Settings of scan exclusions
Setting | Description |
Configure exclusion scopes | Clicking the Configure exclusions link opens the Exclusion scopes window. In this window, you can define the list of scan exclusions. |
Configure exclusions by mask | Clicking the Configure exclusions by mask link opens the Exclusions by mask window. In this window, you can configure the exclusion of objects from scans by name mask. |
Configure exclusions by threat name | Clicking the Configure exclusions by threat name link opens the Exclusions by threat name window. In this window, you can configure the exclusion of objects from scans based on threat name. |
Use global exclusions | The check box enables or disables the exclusion of the mount points specified in global exceptions while the application is running. If this check box is selected, the application excludes configured mount points from scans. The check box is selected by default. |
Use File Threat Protection exclusions | This check box enables or disables the use of configured File Threat Protection exclusions when the application is running. If the check box is selected, the application does not scan the objects specified in the exclusions for the File Threat Protection component. The check box is selected by default. |