Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks

Traffic is not being loaded for events or incidents

July 3, 2024

ID 189097


Cannot load traffic for the selected events and/or incidents. The events table either does not display the tools for loading traffic (for example, the Download traffic button is missing from the details area when one event is selected), or displays the message No traffic for the selected events (when attempting to load traffic).


Saved traffic for the selected events and/or incidents may be missing for one of the following reasons:

  • The traffic was not saved.
  • The traffic was deleted from the database.
  • Traffic dump files were deleted.

The application saves traffic during event registration if the saving of traffic is enabled for the specific type of event. By default, saving of traffic is disabled for all event types. You can enable and configure the saving of traffic for relevant event types.

The application deletes saved traffic for registered events when one of the traffic storage limits is reached (for example, upon reaching the maximum volume of saved traffic in the database). Traffic packets that were saved before other packets are deleted from the database. If saved traffic is deleted too quickly and you do not have time to load it for relevant events, you can increase the maximum values of traffic storage settings.

When the limit is reached for stored traffic dump files, the application deletes temporary traffic dump files that were saved earlier than other files. If traffic dump files are being deleted faster than you are able to load traffic from these files, you can increase the maximum values of the traffic dump file storage settings or connect external storage on nodes.

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