Step 16. Unpacking and installing files on the hard drive
After the installation of Kaspersky Security Center components is configured, you can start installing files on the hard drive.
If installation requires additional programs, the setup wizard will notify you, on the Installing Prerequisites page, before installation of Kaspersky Security Center begins. The required programs are installed automatically after you click the Next button.
On the last page, you can select which console to start for work with Kaspersky Security Center:
- Start MMC-based Administration Console
- Start Kaspersky Security Center Web Console
This option is available only if you opted to install Kaspersky Security Center Web Console in one of the previous steps.
You can also click Finish to close the wizard without starting work with Kaspersky Security Center. You can start the work later at any time.
At the first startup of Administration Console or Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, you can perform the initial setup of the application.