Excluding software details from the Administration Server memory
We recommend that Administration Server does not save information about software modules that are started on the network devices. As a result, the Administration Server memory does not overrun.
You can disable saving this information in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy properties.
To disable saving information about installed software modules:
- In the main menu, go to Devices → Policies & profiles.
- Click the policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
The properties window of the selected policy opens.
- In the policy properties, go to Application settings → General Settings → Reports and Storage.
- Under Data transfer to Administration Server, disable the About started applications check box if it is still enabled in the top-level policy.
When this check box is selected, the Administration Server database saves information about all versions of all software modules on the networked devices. This information may require a significant amount of disk space in the Kaspersky Security Center database (dozens of gigabytes).
The information about installed software modules is no longer saved to the Administration Server database.